What are 5 important facts about reptiles?

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asked Aug 3, 2024 in Home Work Help by Axie888 (1,110 points)
What are 5 important facts about reptiles?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 3, 2024 by Ratiguga (26,060 points)
5 important facts about reptiles are.

Reptiles can live longer than most other species.
Reptiles live on every continent except Antarctica.
Snakes and Lizards which are reptiles smell with their tongues.
Reptiles are among the oldest animals on earth.
And most reptiles cannot chew their food.

A fun fact about reptiles are that reptiles evolved from Amphibians.

Reptiles are also all cold blooded which means their body temperature varies with the temperature of their environment and reptiles also have dry scaly skin.

Most types of reptiles do lay eggs although some kinds of reptiles give birth to live young.

Reptiles that lay eggs have to keep their eggs dry, so the reptiles lay their eggs on land.

And some reptiles will even bury their eggs in dirt or sand to protect them and Crocodilians lay their eggs under piles of plants to keep the eggs warm.

The 3 main characteristics of reptiles are.

Reptiles are cold blooded animals that are found in most of the warmer regions of the world.

A reptiles skin is dry and rough without any glands.

A reptiles body is divided into head, neck trunk and tail.

Other characteristics of reptiles include.

And few of the reptiles shed their scales on their skin as skin cast.

Reptiles also have a backbone which means reptiles are vertebrates.

The reason why reptiles are successful on land is a result of their development of the reptiles scaly skin that contains keratin which is a protein and waxy lipids that reduce water loss from the reptiles skin.

As a result of the occlusive skin the reptile cannot use their skin for respiration like amphibians which all breathe with lungs.

Both amphibians and reptiles are both very important members of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

Both groups serve as both predators and prey, and species that inhabit both ecosystems serve to transfer energy between the two systems.

The things that makes a reptile a reptile are that they are air breathing and cold blooded vertebrates which have scaly bodies instead of hair or feathers.

Also most species of reptiles lay eggs to give birth although some squamates such as lizards, worm lizards and snakes give birth to live young.

Animals that are called reptiles are crocodiles, alligators, turtles, snakes and lizards.

Birds are not referred to as crocodiles but in reality birds are reptiles as crocodilians are more closely related to birds than turtles, snakes and lizards.

The word reptile comes from Middle English reptil, from Old French reptile, from Late Latin rēptile, neuter of reptilis (“creeping”), from Latin rēpō (“to creep”), from Proto-Indo-European *rep- (“to creep, slink”) (Pokorny; Watkins, 1969).

The country that has the most reptiles is Mexico which has 957 Reptile Species and 438 snake species.

Brazil has 814 Reptile species and 420 snake species and Australia has 869 reptile species including the largest in the world saltwater crocodile.

The 3 orders of reptiles are crocodilia (crocodilians), Order testudines (turtles), and Order squamata (lizards and snakes).

The kind of food that reptiles eat are insects, vegetables, birds, plants, greens, cockroaches, crickets, larger mammals, collards, red leaf lettuce, rodents, rats, mice, squash, turnip greens other reptiles, live food, butter worms and pellets.

Reptiles do have a heart but instead of one heart the reptiles have either 3 or 4 chambered hearts and a closed circulatory system depending on the reptile.

Most kinds of reptiles have 3 chambered hearts except for reptiles like alligators, crocodilians, crocodiles and caiman that have 4 chambered hearts instead.

There are as many as 4 orders of Reptilia.

The species from 3 orders of Reptilia occur in North America and are Crocodilia (crocodilians), Testudines (Turtles), Squamata (Snakes and Lizards) and the order reptilia Rhynchocephalia has only 2 living species which is the tuataras which are only found in New Zealand.

The main characteristics of Class Reptilia are.

Reptiles are creeping and burrowing terrestrial animals that have scales on their body.
A reptiles body is divided into head, neck, trunk and tail.
A reptiles skin is dry, rough and without any glands.
A reptile is a cold blooded animal that is found in most of the warmer regions of the world.

Reptiles are a group of tetrapods with an ectothermic metabolism and amniotic development.

Living reptiles also comprise four orders which are Rhynchocephalia, Squamata, Crocodilia and Testudines.

Reptilia classes and reptiles live in several different types of habitats such as mountains, oceans, grasslands, deserts, swamps and forests and the Class Reptilia is composed of 4 orders.

The four groups of reptiles are Rhynchocephalians, crocodilians, turtles and Squamates.

The most important feature of all reptiles are there backbones which all reptiles have since reptiles are vertebrates.

Reptiles bodies are completely covered in scales and they are cold blooded and produce shelled eggs.

The difference between Amphibia and Reptilia is Amphibia animals or Amphians do not have scales and their skin is moist with mucus that keeps them from drying up and Reptilia or Reptiles have dry skin and have scales.

Reptiles and Amphibians are both ectothermic, or cold-blooded animals, meaning their body temperature relies on the temperature of their habitat.

Reptiles and amphibians also are both vertebrate animals, meaning they have backbones.

The easiest reptile to keep is the Leopard Gecko and Bearded Dragon.

Reptiles are air-breathing, cold-blooded vertebrates that have scaly bodies rather than hair or feathers and most reptile species are egg-laying, though certain “squamates” lizards, snakes and worm-lizards give birth to live young.

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