What is a door handle in a car?

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asked Jul 21 in Other-Cars/Transportation by MRgoldenv (890 points)
What is a door handle in a car?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 30 by Gregorysharp (23,740 points)
A door handle in a car is a handle that allows you to open and close the door and unlatch the door to get in and out of the car.

Some car door handles require traditional keys and others rely on electronic key fobs, pass code entry or fingerprint scanners.

Shaved door handles on a car are doors on the car that don't have handles on the outside of the car to present a smooth look.

The shaved door car handle look was pioneered by customizer Harry Westergard in California.

If you have a mid-'50s and later custom, shaving the handles is pretty simple, as the latches are mostly rod actuated, with remote outer handles.

This means the outer handle is not directly tied to the latch.

When you have the handles shaved, you require a "door popper", which basically pops the door open.

Shaved doors are popular on hot rods, street rods, muscle cars, tuned cars (mostly Japanese), trucks, and mini trucks.

It is also a traditional modification on many lead sleds, dating back to the 1940s.

A solenoid is used to open the door. This solenoid can be triggered by button or remote.

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