The purpose of the hair in your ear is to allow the ear to pick up sound waves and send them through the ear to allow you to hear and without the ear hairs you would not be able to hear.
The little hairs in your ear are called hair cells which include inner hair cells and outer hair cells.
Your inner hair cells are more responsive to sounds that are louder and your outer hair cells are more responsive to sounds that are softer.
The tiny hair cells inside the inner ear help you hear sounds and they pick up the sound waves and change those sound waves into nerve signals that the brain interprets as sound.
Hearing loss occurs when the tiny hair cells are damaged or die and they do not regrow so any hearing loss as a result of the hair cell damage in the ear is permanent.
Inside the ears is the semicircular canals and the cochlea and the cochlea is the hearing organ and is a snail shaped structure which contains 2 fluid filled chambers that are lined with tiny hairs.
The left ear is more connected to the brain than the right ear.
And because of how the brain's neural network is organized the left half of the human brain controls the right side of the human body and so the left ear is more directly connected to the right side of the brain than the right ear is.
The ears are so important as they allow us to hear sounds and also help to keep us balanced and alert us to danger.
The left ear is better than the right ear as the left ear is more tuned in to intuition, emotion and music than the right ear.
The left and right ears handle the sound differently and the right ear responds more to logic and speech.
The ears are so special as the ears are organs that allow for balance and hearing.
The ears pick up sound waves which are converted into electrical impulses and then sent to the brain where they are processed.
The part of the ear that is the most important is the cochlea and is important because it allows sound to be heard.
The cochlea is a hearing organ and allows hearing and is a snail shaped structure that contains 2 fluid filled chambers that are lined with tiny hairs.
And when the sound enters the ear, the fluid inside the cochlea causes those tiny hairs to vibrate and sends electrical impulses to the brain.
The ears maintain the balance of the body through use of the vestibular system which consists of 3 fluid filled loops or semi circular canals which respond to the rotation of the head.
And near the semicircular canals there are the saccule and utricle that detect the gravity and back and forth motion which help to maintain the balance.
The ear affects the body by allowing us to hear and help with balance.
The sound waves are picked up by the ears and then the sound waves are converted into electrical impulses and then sent to the brain where they are processed and turned into sounds.
The organ for balance is found in the inner ear and is called the vestibular system and when the ears are not working properly it can lead to balance issues.
The human ear is so sensitive as a result of the behavior of the minuscule gelatinous structure in the inner ear which is called the tectorial membrane.
The human ear responds to disturbances/temporal variations in pressure.
Amazingly sensitive! The human ear has more than 6 orders of magnitude in dynamic range of pressure sensitivity (12 orders of magnitude in sound intensity, I ∝ p2) and 3 orders of magnitude in frequency (20 Hz – 20 KHz)!
The ear is one of the most sensitive parts of the body and can bleed easily and heavily with even minimal injury.
The ear also warns us of danger and enables us to communicate and helps with spatial orientation and helps with balance.
The ear is the bloodiest part of the body when it comes to minimal injuries.
There are other parts of the body that are just as bloody as the ears or even bloodier depending on the injury.
For example you could bust your head open and bleed heavy and can bleed heavier than your ears would bleed.
So while the ears are not really entirely the bloodiest part of the body they still are the bloodiest part of the body when being injured in the ear as the ears are very sensitive.
Even a minimal injury to the ear can cause heavy bleeding of the ear.
The ear is one of the most sensitive organs in the human body.
The human ear converts minimal mechanical pressure fluctuations into electrochemical energy and transmits this to the brain in the form of nerve impulses.
In this way, the ear warns us of danger, enables us to communicate and helps us with spatial orientation.
Your ears are organs that detect and analyze sound.
Located on each side of your head, they help with hearing and balance.
Your scalp is also the most bloodiest part of the body if cut or injured.
Next to the scalp the head and neck is the second most bloodiest part of the body and the ear is part of the head.
The brain is the most fragile part of the human body.
The brain is surrounded by a thick, strong skull, however, it is soft and squishy.
Your brain can be easily damaged and is the reason why the skull protects it.