Does birth trauma affect personality?

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asked Jul 12 in Pregnancy by mxdog2w (980 points)
Does birth trauma affect personality?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 19 by 1961waggy (31,860 points)
Birth trauma does affect your personality and even children that have had difficult births are also more likely to be aggressive, angry and aggressive.

Mothers that have bad birth trauma may also sometimes become aggressive, anxious and angry at least part of the time until they recover.

What is considered a traumatic birth experience is any emotional distress or physical distress that the mother experiences after childbirth or during childbirth is considered a traumatic birth experience.

During the birthing process the mother may feel afraid, helpless or unsupported by people around them and after the birth the mother may be left feeling numb or guilty for events beyond their control.

Birth trauma' is a wound or damage experienced during or after childbirth.

While trauma can be physical, it may also be emotional or psychological.

The emotional impact of birth trauma is often due to a difference between your expectation of labor and birth and what actually happened.

Birth trauma happens when the mother goes through a frightening, stressful or distressing event which is related to giving birth.

The birth trauma can develop into postnatal post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is a type of anxiety disorder.

Once a delivery lasts longer than 18 hours, it is considered a difficult birth, and the baby's body is probably under a lot of stress.

Some of the birth trauma causes related to delivery include.

Size of the Baby: When babies weight over eight pounds, 13 ounces, they are generally more difficult to deliver.

Examples of a traumatic birth include.

A difficult labor with a long and painful delivery.
An unplanned caesarean section.
Emergency treatment for you or your baby.
Other shocking, unexpected and traumatic experiences during birth.

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