Which nerve does difficult delivery commonly lead to injury?

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asked Jul 12, 2024 in Pregnancy by mxdog2w (980 points)
Which nerve does difficult delivery commonly lead to injury?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 30, 2024 by Gracy (149,380 points)
The facial nerve is the nerve that difficult delivery commonly leads to injury.

Facial nerves are the most common cranial nerve that is injured with a traumatic birth and occurs in up to 10 per 1000 live births and is most often a result of pressure on the facial nerve by forceps or from a prominent maternal sacral promontory during descent.

Nerve damage after birth will feel like an area of pain in your legs or back and you may also have weakness in one or more of your muscles and in more severe and rare cases the nerve damage after giving birth can cause severe weakness in one or both of your legs and loss of bowel or bladder control.

The signs of pregnancy are excessive salivation, nausea, changes in breast appearance, increased breast size, breast tenderness, abdominal cramps, missed period which always occurs and light vaginal bleeding which does not always occur.

You can check your pregnancy at home without a kit by doing a stored urine test.

To perform the stored urine test to check for pregnancy at home first collect your urine in a bottle or vessel that is clean that you would use for a normal urine test.

Then leave the urine in the bottle or vessel untouched for around 3 hours to 4 hours.

If a white film forms on the surface of the urine then chances are you are pregnant.

However if there is no change in the urine and the urine remains clear then you are not pregnant.

After ovulation you can test for pregnancy 8 to 9 days after ovulation.

A week after ovulation if you are pregnant you will experience implantation bleeding which is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy.

The reason you get so wet when you're ovulating is because the estrogen hormone peaks just before your ovulation.

When the hormone estrogen peaks before ovulation it causes your cervical muscles to change from pasty or creamy to instead resembling stretchy, raw egg whites.

The wet and slipper discharge makes it easier for the sperm to swim up your vagina and into your uterus to meet the egg.

Ovulation discharge looks similar to raw egg whites and is wet, stretchy and slippery.

The color of fertile discharge is thin, clear or white and slippery which is much the same as being egg white.

The fertile discharge signals that your ovulation is approaching and fertile cervical fluid helps the sperm move up your cervix to fertilize the egg.

The symptoms of high fertility include estrogen and Luteinizing hormones increases, fertile cervical fluid, ovulation pain, increased sex drive and mood and energy changes.

Pregnancy discharge looks like thin, clear or milky white discharge that may smell mildly or not at all and is similar to normal everyday discharge.

You start to feel pregnant during the two weeks after your last menstrual period.

The implantation can occur at 1 to 2 weeks and also cause discharge, cramping and light spotting.

The pregnancy hormones increase at 1 to 2 weeks and can cause related early symptoms such as bloating, headaches and cramping.

The symptoms of pregnancy at 1 week include fatigue, increased urination, vomiting or nausea, tender and swollen breasts, moodiness and a missed period.

The symptoms of hidden pregnancy are cramping, frequent urination, bloating, tender or swollen breasts, spotting or light bleeding without periods, constipation, experiencing fatigue and slight weight gain.

Your cervix when first pregnant and once you've conceived will feel soft and more closely resemble the feeling of your lips.

When you're not pregnant and have not conceived then your cervix will feel firm to the touch and like the feeling of the tip of your nose.

The position that your cervix will be in if you are conceived is in the higher position.

During ovulation your cervix will rise to a higher level in your vagina and it will be lower in your vagina around the time of your menstruation.

Once you've conceived your cervix will remain in the higher position.

In early pregnancy your lower stomach will feel bigger and you may have a feeling of tightness which is mostly due to digestive changes.

During early pregnancy your hormones are changing and slowing digestion which leads to increased constipation and gas.

Early pregnancy discharge is white milky vaginal discharge that occurs early in your pregnancy as after conception the vagina walls start to thicken which leads to the white, milky discharge which can continue through your pregnancy and is typically harmless and normal.

Cervical mucus after ovulation if you are pregnant will look like thick and gummy mucus.

And as you progress through your pregnancy the amount of the mucus may even increase and even become yellow or white and during late pregnancy the mucus can also become thick and contain pink streaks.

A pregnant woman's discharge will look like healthy vaginal discharge which can be thin, clear or milky white and smell mildly or have no smell.

The 2 week pregnancy discharge is called leukorrhea.

The symptoms that you have at 1 week pregnant are mild cramping, breast tenderness and fatigue although most people have no pregnancy symptoms at 1 week.

Typically 1 week pregnancy is measured from the first day of the your last menstrual period.

Some odd and weird early pregnancy symptoms include swollen or red nose, seeing blue toilet seats, nosebleeds, lack of appetite, lightheadedness or dizziness, irritability, Sciatica and Carpal tunnel syndrome or even a burning palm.

The first 72 hours of pregnancy symptoms are: late period, positive pregnancy test, implantation bleeding, tiredness, bloating and twinges/cramps.

Pregnancy also known as gestation is calculated as 40 weeks and starts from the first day of your last menstrual period.

Pregnancy is classified into 3 stages known as trimesters.

The gender and inherited characteristics of the baby are decided at the moment of conception.

Early pregnancy symptoms at 4 weeks of pregnancy include a missed period (often one of the first signs of pregnancy) a metallic taste in your mouth. sore breasts. nausea – also known as morning sickness, although you can experience it at any time (read about morning sickness in week 6)

Early pregnancy (first trimester) abdominal symptoms include nausea/morning sickness, cramping, constipation, heartburn, bloating, and gas.

Pregnancy begins when a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, and pregnancy symptoms may begin in some people as early as a week after implantation.

A pregnancy discharge is typically milky white or clear—but if it's a different color, it doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong. For example, you may see some spotting in the week following conception.

If you typically have an irregular period, you'll want to take a pregnancy test to confirm.

Most home tests can detect hCG as soon as 7 days after a missed period.

A pregnancy test detects hCG levels in your urine and shows if you are pregnant.

Know that a false negative is more likely than a false positive.

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