What is Ramsay Turner's syndrome?

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asked Jul 12, 2024 in Other- Health by Dor2dor (1,280 points)
What is Ramsay Turner's syndrome?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 13, 2024 by 12iroanges (41,370 points)
Ramsay Turner's syndrome is a condition in which part or all of an X chromosome is missing from most or all of the cells in a girl's body.

On average, the life expectancy of people with Ramsay Turner's Syndrome is about 13 years shorter than that of the general population.

Heart disease and type 2 diabetes may even reduce life expectancy in people with Ramsay Turner Syndrome, though optimal medical care can reduce the impact of those diseases.

The symptoms of Ramsay Turner's Syndrome include.

A short stature – average adult height is 143 cm (4' 8”)
Infertility – due to underdeveloped ovaries.
Congenital heart defects – in about 50 per cent of affected women.
Spatial awareness issues – problems with tasks such as math.
An absence of menstruation (amenorrhoea)
And hearing problems.

Because Ramsay Turner's syndrome is a chromosomal disorder, there's no cure for the condition.

Although a number of treatments can help.

Growth hormone, either alone or with other hormone treatment, may improve growth and will usually increase final adult height often into the normal range if treatment is started early enough.

Turner syndrome or Ramsay Turner's Syndrome occurs when part or all of an X chromosome is missing from most or all of the cells in a girl's body.

A girl normally receives one X chromosome from each parent.

The error that leads to the missing chromosome appears to happen during the formation of the egg or sperm.

Features of Turner syndrome may include a short neck with a webbed appearance, low hairline at the back of the neck, low-set ears, hands and feet that are swollen or puffy at birth, and soft nails that turn upward.


Girls with Turner syndrome grow more slowly than other children.

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