What is the short answer of transpiration?

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asked Jul 12, 2024 in Science by Dor2dor (1,280 points)
What is the short answer of transpiration?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 13, 2024 by Kgarfield (17,090 points)
The short answer of transpiration is transpiration is a process in which excessive water from a plant is released out into the environment in the form of vapors.

Transpiration in plants is significant and helps in the transportation of water from the roots to different parts of the plants.

The simple definition of transpiration is that transpiration is a process in which water is pulled from the roots of plants through the stems and the leaves which is then released through microscopic holes in the leaves that are called stomata.

Transpiration can be thought as being similar to when a human sweats and is a form of the plant sweating.

Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and flowers.

It is a passive process that requires no energy expense by the plant.

Plants can alter the size of their boundary layers around leaves through a variety of structural features.

Leaves that possess many hairs or pubescence will have larger boundary layers; the hairs serve as mini-wind breaks by increasing the layer of still air around the leaf surface and slowing transpiration rates.

Transpiration is important for plants as it helps in the conduction of water and minerals to different parts of the plants.

Due to the continuous elimination of water from the plant body, there is a balance of water maintained within the plant.

It maintains osmosis and keeps the cells rigid.

However when transpiration takes place in large amounts, it leads to wilting of the plant due to excessive water loss.

The water that can be used for the process of photosynthesis may get lost through the process of transpiration.

Therefore transpiration is a necessary evil in plants.

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