Why does my baby girl have white stuff on her private area at 3 days old?

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asked Jun 30 in Baby/Newborn by gartdenos (1,400 points)
Why does my baby girl have white stuff on her private area at 3 days old?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 4 by Gracy (144,820 points)
The reason your baby girl has white stuff on her private area at 3 days old is because she just has white discharge that is called vernix.

The white discharge or vernix is normal and nothing to worry about and will eventually dry up and come off when you wipe with baby wipes.

Newborn girls may also have a slight vaginal discharge that can be tinged with blood which is also normal and nothing to worry about.

It's very common and typical for babies born with female genitalia or female babies to have small amounts of white discharge during the first two weeks of life.

Sometimes this discharge may be tinged with blood (again, due to hormones from the birthing parent).

"This is no cause for concern, and it self-resolves.

Vaginal discharge in a baby doesn't require any special treatment.

You can simply clean the area with a gentle wet wipe or warm water on a cotton ball or smooth cloth.

Any excess fluid that remains will be absorbed by the diaper and is not harmful.

Doctors usually advise and recommend leaving vernix on your baby's skin for at least six hours but preferably 24 hours.

If you're considering leaving it on for longer, ask your baby's doctor how long it remains beneficial to leave the vernix coating on your baby's skin and how long to wait with your little one's first bath.

The newborn girl vaginal discharge can start any time from 2-10 days of life.

This is normal and called false menses.

The cause is the sudden drop-off in the mother's estrogen (a hormone) after birth.

The blood-tinged or pink discharge should not last more than 3 or 4 days.

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