Can I give my cat canned pumpkin?

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asked Jun 30, 2024 in Cats by holeinbucket (1,160 points)
Can I give my cat canned pumpkin?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 28, 2024 by Amberwell (17,670 points)
You can give your cat canned pumpkin which can help with a cats upset stomach.

Or even just as a treat or food the cat can safely eat canned pumpkin or other cooked pumpkin.

You can also add a bit of canned pumpkin to your cats food.

If you're feeding wet cat food with pumpkin, follow the feeding guidelines on the package.

As a rule of thumb, average-sized cats can safely eat 1 teaspoon of pumpkin purée once or twice a day with their regular food (just a half teaspoon for kittens or smaller cats).

Vets often recommend canned pumpkin or other cooked pumpkin for constipated cats.

The most common reason veterinarians recommend pumpkin is for constipated cats.

The water content combined with the fiber can often help ease constipation.

Many cats will respond to 2-4 teaspoons of canned pumpkin added to canned cat food if they have a mild case of constipation.

Avoid pumpkin with spices though when giving to your cat.

100% plain canned pumpkin is easy to serve your cat since you don't have to cook it.

Just make sure it's free of other ingredients.

You can also serve fresh pumpkin.

Simply remove the seeds and bake it in your oven until it's soft.

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