Can you put loofahs in the dryer?

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asked Jun 29, 2024 in laundry/Cleaning by Mockkall (1,000 points)
Can you put loofahs in the dryer?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 5, 2024 by layla (84,650 points)
You can put loofahs in the dryer but use the low heat setting or no heat setting and only dry it for 5 minutes or so and check on it often.

You can also microwave the loofah for 2 minutes which can also sanitize it.

You should throw out a loofah one you notice any mold on the loofah or if it develops or has a musty odor or mildew odor.

Shower loofahs can last for a few months or even longer as long as they are kept washed and sanitized although it's recommended that you replace your shower loofah every month.

But I've had my loofah for 6 months and it's been just fine and I only replace it when I absolutely need to replace it.

A loofah is better than a washcloth at getting you clean but they can also be unsanitary when not washed and cleaned properly as loofahs can harbor bacteria and germs unless you wash them often and sanitize them.

However a washcloth will clean your body near as good as a loofah if you have no loofah.

Just put the body wash on the washcloth like you would a loofah and scrub your body the same way.

It is okay to use a loofah everyday although some people only use a loofah a few times a week but I always use my loofah everyday and keep a few of them available so I always have a clean loofah to shower with.

Using a loofah everyday will not harm you as long as you keep the loofah clean and sanitized.

To sanitize a loofah.

Rinse the loofah after each use and store it in a dry place.
Soak the loofah in diluted bleach for 5 minutes each week to disinfect it.
Soak the loofah in warm water and antimicrobial essential oil weekly.
Microwave the loofah for 2 minutes for a quick sanitization.

An alternative to a loofah is a silicone scrub which is more hygienic and easier to keep clean than a loofah.

Dermatologists actually recommend a silicone scrub instead of a loofah.

You should wash your body with a loofah or silicone scrub as it can keep you clean and help you feel fresher and keep your skin exfoliated as well.

Just make sure to clean the loofah often to prevent bacteria.

Silicone scrubs are also good for washing your body and are considered better than a loofah.

Showering with a loofah can help to get your skin clean and exfoliate your skin as well.

I always shower with a loofah to get really clean and then I also use some bar soap afterwards as well.

However you can also simply wash and shower with just the loofah and body wash.

I prefer body wash mostly but sometimes I will also use bar soap by itself if I run out of body wash.

Although I find that the loofah and body wash gets me cleaner and makes me smell much fresher.

Dermatologists don't actually recommend washing with a loofah but there's no harm in doing so.

Just make sure to keep your loofah clean to avoid any bacteria growing on the loofah.

You can place the loofah in the washing machine and use regular laundry detergent to clean the loofah and then place it in the dryer for little while or hang the loofah out to dry.

Loofah sponges aren't necessarily dangerous, but they need to be taken care of and maintained properly to avoid bacteria growth.

If you love working up a lather when you're in the shower, the best thing you can do is make sure you're taking care of your sponges and other bath accessories.

You can also add body wash to a washcloth and wash your body in the shower with the washcloth and body wash.

Some ways to sanitize your loofah and prevent bacteria growth on the loofah include.

Rinse your loofah after each use and store it in a dry place.
Soak the loofah in diluted bleach for 5 minutes each week to disinfect it.
Soak the loofah in warm water and antimicrobial essential oil weekly.
Microwave the loofah for 2 minutes for a quick sanitization.

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