Can Apple cider vinegar cure a cold sore?

+1 vote
asked Oct 31, 2018 in Other- Health by gello7898 (240 points)
Can Apple cider vinegar cure a cold sore?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 1, 2018 by elavegan (300 points)
Apple Cider Vinegar does work to get rid of cold sores due to it's antibacterial properties which can kill the cold sore virus.

To get rid of your cold sore using Apple Cider Vinegar soak a cotton ball in the Apple Cider Vinegar and apply it to the cold sore for around 5 to 10 minutes and do this twice per day until the cold sore goes away.

It worked for me and within 4 days the cold sore went away.

Toothpaste is another remedy for drying out a cold sore so you can try that too if you want but the Apple Cider Vinegar is what works best for me.

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