Diaper pictures of older kid boy 6 to 7 years old wearing plastic back diapers

+1 vote
asked Jun 10 in Diaper Videos by diaperedbottom (1,100 points)

Diaper pictures of older kid boy 6 to 7 years old wearing plastic back diapers.

Not sure of the exact age of this boy but these pictures were taken in December of 2003 according to the photo properties.

6 year old 7 year old boy wearing just plastic backed diaper6 year old boy 7 year old boy wearing plastic backed diaper6 year old boy 7 year old boy wearing plastic backed diaper6 year old boy 7 year old boy wearing plastic backed diaper6 year old boy 7 year old boy wearing plastic backed diaper7 year old boy wearing plastic backed diaper

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 20 by diamdiaper (2,230 points)
Awesome pictures.

I used to have those pictures but lost them on a hard drive and so I thank you for uploading these again as I was hoping to find them again.

I wish they would make those thick plastic backed diapers again as those are the most comfortable and true diapers.

If I had a kid he would be wearing diapers like that at that age as well and no potty training.

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