How many hours once diaper should be changed?

+1 vote
asked Oct 25, 2018 in Baby/Newborn by Loomislani (320 points)
How many hours once diaper should be changed?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 25, 2018 by Gracy (149,380 points)
Newborn babies should have their diaper checked at least every hour for poop or pee.

The diapers today can hold a good amount of wetness before needing changed so sometimes a baby even a newborn baby may need a diaper change every 1 or 2 hours during the day depending on how much they wet or poop.

A good rule of thumb is that newborn baby and babies under 1 year of age will usually go through 10 to 14 diapers per day.

As a baby gets to 1 year or older they'll use less diapers and at 1 year of age and above they should only need a diaper change every 2 to 3 hours.

Babies at 1 year old or older may only go through 4 to 6 diapers per day but as long as you change the babies diaper every 2 to 3 hours the baby should be fine.

When a baby poops you'll usually notice it and poop diapers should be changed as soon as you notice.

As the baby gets older they will tend to poop and pee on a set schedule so you can sometimes know about when they're ready to poop or pee and need a diaper change.

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