Convert global currencies

0 votes
asked May 23 in Other-Finance by Harrius (3,940 points)

I’m in need of a reliable method to convert global currencies using live exchange rates for my new e-commerce business. Keeping track of fluctuating rates has been quite a challenge. Any recommendations? Thanks!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 23 by Kolin (3,380 points)

Running an e-commerce business can be tough with all the currency conversions. I’ve been using FXConvert , and it’s been a great resource. They provide accurate and reliable foreign exchange rates, which is vital for any business. For example, if you’re converting AUD to INR, you just input the amount, and their currency converter gives you the real-time conversion rate and total. The site updates the rates daily, so you’re always getting the most accurate information. It’s been a huge help for my business. Give it a try!

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