What do nursing homes use to get rid of urine smell?

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asked May 23, 2024 in laundry/Cleaning by PinoyBeast (1,920 points)
What do nursing homes use to get rid of urine smell?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 20, 2024 by Crazytoaster (38,530 points)
Nursing homes use a product called ZORBX to get rid of urine smell as well as bile, human waste and other odors.

Hospitals and health care clinics also have relied on ZORBX for years to remove urine and other odors.

Baking soda and vinegar can naturally kill the smell of human urine.

You can also buy commercially made urine odor neutralizers.

Washing sheets, covers, clothes etc in normal laundry detergent will get rid of the urine smell but adding some vinegar and baking soda or vinegar or baking soda to the laundry detergent can help to further get rid of the human urine smell.

You can get rid of pee smell by airing out the location and using urine odor neutralizers or some vinegar and baking soda to clean the urine and neutralize the urine odor.

Then spray the carpet with the urine with the solution and allow it to sit for around 20 minutes or so and then use a carpet cleaner or upholstery cleaner to suck it up to draw the urine out of the carpet.

Urine evaporates as fast as 1 hour after it has been on a surface.

Pee usually evaporates as fast as water does and the hotter the temperature the faster the urine will evaporate.

The cooler the temperature the longer it will take to evaporate.

When my kids wet the bed I will use an upholstery cleaner and clean it real good and then drag the mattress out into the sunlight to dry it out which refreshes it and evaporates the water and any leftover urine that may be in the mattress.

My kids rarely wet the bed anymore so we just clean the mattress when needed.

If the urine is in a mattress or other similar absorbent material it can take longer for the urine to evaporate and may take as long as 2 hours to 4 hours for the urine to evaporate.

Urine can dry fairly quickly. In fact, it may virtually disappear within about two to four hours.

But even if the mattress is no longer damp, the odds are good that you'll still be able to smell the presence of urine.

The evaporation process of pee produces a dark, highly saline, brine solution before drying to a solid product.

The solid product usually has a low odor and is mostly comprised of K, Na, Cl, P and N.

About 90% of the ammonia is lost during the evaporation process of the urine (primarily by volatilization).

In just a few days after urine is deposited, microbial activity begins to decompose the urine.

This process releases ammonia gas.

It's chiefly the ammonia that creates that distinct pungent odor we smell when we encounter urine contamination.

Ammonia has a pH of around 12.5.

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