How do I get rid of my current girlfriend?

+1 vote
asked Oct 22, 2018 in Singles & Dating by melokidio (230 points)
How do I get rid of my current girlfriend?

I have a girlfriend that I'm now not really loving anymore and I really need to break up with her because I have another girlfriend who I love even more.

How can I get rid of my current girlfriend and let it out to her easy without hurting her?

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 22, 2018 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
You can either text your girlfriend and tell her that you're gonna break up with her or tell her in person.

Telling your girlfriend in person is much better than texting her that you're breaking up with her.

When telling her about the breakup just cut to the chase and say something such as (I really loved being with you but I don't think our relationship is gonna work out and I now have a new girlfriend that I find more compatible.

I'm sorry that our relationship has to end this way but It's for the best.)

She may be hurt for awhile but eventually she'll get over it and find a new more compatible boyfriend.

Believe me I've been hurt by breakups but eventually got over the breakups and found a new boyfriend who's now my husband.
0 votes
answered Mar 1, 2022 by Jeraldo (4,900 points)

According to many of my friends, the most convenient way to find women for dates is on the Internet. They are constantly looking for los angeles personals and find them here. This site contains the best of the best profiles of women of different ages and skin colors for every taste. Women even write themselves and invite my friends to meet and go on a date. According to my friends, the prices for the site's services are low, and the discounts, on the contrary, are large.

0 votes
answered Jul 9, 2022 by Baldor (460 points)
I don't understand those people who are in a hurry to get somewhere. They get acquainted and immediately run off to get married before they know each other well. Soon such a relationship quickly ends and they break up.
0 votes
answered Jul 9, 2022 by Syudzinko (380 points)

Young people are always in a hurry to get somewhere without thinking about anything. By the way, I was advised to read at, information on what to do if a girl does not answer you.

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