When should you stop covering up a wound?

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asked Jun 29, 2024 in Other- Health by Guartercoyote (840 points)
When should you stop covering up a wound?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 14, 2024 by cabbagehead (23,370 points)
You should stop covering up a wound once the wound has scabbed over which is usually a few days to 5 days depending on the wound.

Once the wound has scabbed over there's no need to keep it covered.

The antibiotic ointment that is best for wound healing is antibacterial ointment such as Neosporin or Hansaplast wound healing ointment.

Hansaplast wound healing ointment creates a breathable film that protects the wound and prevents the wound from drying out.

Hydrogen peroxide is good for cuts as hydrogen peroxide cleans the cut or wound and helps prevent infection and promotes healing.

Leaving a wound uncovered does not help it heal faster and instead leaving a wound uncovered can slow the healing process of the wound and increase pain and dry out new surface cells.

Keeping the wound covered and moist helps to speed up the healing of the wound and prevents infection.

To heal wounds faster keep the wound clean and moist and apply antibiotic ointment and cover the wound with a sterile dressing to help protect against possible infection.

Ensure you're getting proper nutrition, staying hydrated and getting adequate sleep and rest to support your body's natural healing process.

An alternative to bandages is wound dressing foam which also protects the wound from infection and promotes healing.

It is better to bandage a wound until it has scabbed over or at least has stopped bleeding or closed up.

After the wound has scabbed over and closed up then it's okay to not wear  a bandage.

It is better to bandage a wound until the wound has scabbed over and then after that you no longer need a bandage.

Wounds heal faster and better when the wound is kept moist and covered.

When covered and kept moist the wounds heal faster than they would when left uncovered.

Wounds actually heal faster when covered as it keeps the wound moist which speeds up the healing process of the wound.

If you leave a wound uncovered it can dry out new surface cells, which can increase pain or slow the healing process.

When a wound is infected the infected would will be either a brown, yellow or white color.

If the wound is discharging small amounts of pus, it is a positive sign of healing.

However, if there is continuous drainage and you start noticing bad odor or have discoloration, the wound is likely infected.

Pain is a normal condition after sustaining an injury.

Bright red blood in a wound means that there could be an artery wall that ruptured and dark red blood means that a vein has ruptured.

When you cut a vein, the blood is exposed to all of the oxygen in the air, and the hemoglobin in the red blood cells binds to that oxygen just like it would in your lungs, turning the blood bright red.

If your wound is black the black wound is a sign of dead or necrotic tissue which is not a good sign and you should see a doctor.

And once the tissue is dead, it cannot be revived and must be removed from a wound for healing to occur.

The 4 wound types are Avulsion, Puncture, Laceration and Abrasion.

The 5 stages of wound healing are.

Hemostasis Phase.
Inflammatory Phase.
Proliferative Phase.
Maturation Phase (Remodeling Stage)
Excessive Wound Healing.

There's also another stage of wound healing which is Chronic Wound Formation.

The two types of wounds are open wounds and closed wounds.

In a closed wound, tissue damage and bleeding occur under the surface of the skin.

Examples of closed wounds include bruises.

An open wound involves a break in the skin that leaves the internal tissue exposed.

Open wounds may result from falls, blunt trauma, and surgery.

The 6 types of open wounds are abrasions, excoriation, skin tears, avulsions, lacerations and punctures.

The 7 types of wounds are abrasions, avulsions, burns, lacerations, surgical wounds, penetrating wounds and puncture wounds.

A skin wound is called a laceration.

Common types of skin wounds are.

Puncture wounds.
Surgical wounds and incisions.
Thermal, chemical or electric burns.
Bites and stings.
Gunshot wounds, or other high velocity projectiles that can penetrate the body.

Lacerations can be a cut to the skin and also a skin tear.

A skin tear is a type of laceration and a specific type of laceration in which friction alone or friction plus shear separates skin layers.

Skin tears are wounds that may look like large cuts or scrapes.

They're considered acute wounds.

This means they occur suddenly and typically heal in an expected fashion over time.

However, for some people, skin tears can become complex, chronic wounds.

A laceration is a cut to the skin such as from a knife, blade or other sharp object and the cut can be smooth or rough.

Lacerations may be shallow or deep lacerations and severe lacerations are managed by gluing or stitching them up while shallow lacerations may only need a bandage and some hydrogen peroxide or other antiseptic to manage.

The way a doctor treats a laceration depends on how bad the laceration is.

For small lacerations that don't require stitches or glue the doctor will typically apply some antiseptic and bandage to the laceration.

For deeper lacerations the doctor will usually either stitch it, staple it or even glue it with surgical glue.

A laceration can be identified by looking at the cut as a laceration is a cut that does not remove the skin but opens up the skin and causes bleeding.

Other signs of a laceration include.

Excessive bleeding that won't stop after applying direct pressure for five minutes.
Bright red, spurting blood from the wound.
Any type of laceration caused by stabbing.
Wounds that reveal structures below the skin, such as tendons, ligaments, or bones.

The laceration is an irregular open wound caused by a blunt impact to soft tissue.

A laceration is considered a deep laceration when it's more than 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep.

A cut may be deep, smooth, or jagged. It may be near the surface of the skin, or deeper.

A deep cut can affect tendons, muscles, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, or bone.

A puncture is a wound made by a pointed object such as a nail, knife, or sharp tooth.

To treat a laceration without stitches a doctor will use some surgical glue to close up the laceration.

For smaller lacerations you can use some Elmer's School Glue, super glue, or put antiseptic ointment and an adhesive bandage on it.

You can also apply some flour to the laceration to help stop bleeding which will clot the blood.

A laceration is an open wound as some lacerations may require glue or stitches to close the laceration wound to stop bleeding.

A laceration or cut refers to a skin wound. Unlike an abrasion, none of the skin is missing.

A cut is typically thought of as a wound caused by a sharp object, like a shard of glass.

A superficial laceration is a laceration that is shallow and is in the outer layer of the body affecting only the skin.

A laceration is a cut to the skin without any skin removed and is also considered a cut.

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