When can kittens use a litter box?

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asked Jun 29, 2024 in Cats by godisreal (1,640 points)
When can kittens use a litter box?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 15, 2024 by Justinfartty (5,130 points)
Kittens can use a litter box around 3 weeks of age which is the time you can begin introducing the litter box to the kittens.

Newborn kittens don't start pooping on their own right away and for the first 3 weeks of the kittens life, the kittens will need their mother to stimulate their pooping activity, generally after every feeding.

Once the kittens can manage the pooping process, they'll generally poop (without help) one to four times per day.

Kittens can start drinking water around 3 weeks to 4 weeks of age.

By 3 to 4 weeks of age you can also start introducing some solid food such as canned cat food to the kittens.

Be sure to provide the kittens with fresh, clean drinking water in a shallow bowl that is easy for the kittens to drink from.

Kittens should drink room temperature water that is not too cold or too hot.

Warm room temperature water is what kittens usually prefer but on hot days cold water is what some kittens prefer to drink.

Cold or warm water will not harm the kitten and it really does not matter whether the temperature of the water is cold or warm.

Once you set out the bowel of water for the kitten it will warm up enough for the kitten to drink.

As long as you keep water out for the kittens and mother cat to drink they will drink the water as needed.

Just be sure to keep a bowl of water out for access to the kittens and mother cat at all times.

When the kittens and cats get thirsty they will drink the water as needed.

I've always just gave my cats and kittens room temperature water right out of the faucet.

Cats and kittens have different preferences regarding the temperature of their drinking water.

While some cats and kittens prefer to drink water at room temperature, other cats and kittens enjoy drinking cold water.

It is important to ensure that the water for your cats and kittens is clean and fresh and that it is served at a comfortable temperature for your cat.

If your kittens and cats prefer cold water you can even place ice cubes in their water bowl but just make sure you don't make the water too cold.

Also, cats sweat much less than humans.

An ice cube can provide some nice, cool relief and lower their body temperature.

You can also get creative with the ice cubes you offer your cat or kittens.

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