How to enjoy being a mom again?

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asked Jun 29, 2024 in Parenting by godisreal (1,640 points)
How to enjoy being a mom again?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 8, 2024 by Vapirusky (51,550 points)
To enjoy being a mom again try practicing the love you want to feel for each child you have through a 2 minute meditation and then take a sensory snapshot in the midst of that perfect and tell your kids that you love them in the moments you feel it the least.

Also try finding new things that you and you children can enjoy together such as play games, go outside to the park, ride bicycles, go on vacations etc.

Ask your kids what they would also enjoy you doing with them and if they are little ask them about the toys they love.

When you don't enjoy parenting there's not much you can do when you already have the kids other than pushing through with raising the child or children and try to find things that you can enjoy together and even take a break from the kids if possible and get away even for a day or two.

Try taking your kids to the park, swimming poo, going out on a vacation together etc to get you out of the house and allow the children to burn off some of that energy.

Do things for yourself as well and try going out for lunch or dinner even with a friend, go for a walk alone, read a book, get your hair done, go on a trip alone or stay home and have the grandparents or someone else you trust watch the kids for awhile.

The number of kids that is the hardest is usually 2 to 3 although for some people even 1 kid can be hard enough to parent.

Being a parent to even one kid can be very stressful and some parents no longer want more than one kid.

It is normal to feel like you don't want to be a parent anymore even if you do love your kids.

Being a parent and having kids is not for everyone and you should have kids if you truly want to have them and can take care of them.

When you can't cope with your child you should build a support network and seek help with caring for your child.

If your child is becoming out of control then he or she may need therapy and need to see a behavioral therapist.

If the child is young enough then having them take a nap can also help but older kids they may just need a time out.

Take yourself and the child or children out of the house for awhile and even to a park to get away which can sometimes help.

When you're tired of your kids you should try taking a break and getting away from them for awhile and have someone else care for them while you go on vacation without them such as a trusted friend or the grandparents or another trusted relative.

Taking even a few days break from your kids when you're tired of your kids can help you recharge and put you in a better mood.

It is normal to regret being a parent and regret having kids no matter how much you love your kids.

It doesn't mean you're a bad person or parent for regretting having kids and not loving being a parent as there are many parents that regret having kids.

It is normal to not enjoy being a parent as some people enjoy being a parent and others don't enjoy being a parent even when they love their kids.

Being a parent no matter how much you love your kids is very exhausting and hard work and being a parent and having kids is not for everyone.

There is no shame in feeling tired of being a parent or mom as feeling tired of being parent or a mom is very normal and all moms eventually feel tired and exhausted even though they love their kids but even when you love your kids you do need a break from them once in awhile.

The age that parenting gets less exhausting is usually by age 5 to 6 and then it can get more exhausting during the 7 to 8 years of age and then get less exhausting until the teen years.

But all kids are different and some kids will remain exhausting and others can become less exhausting and easier to parent.

The most exhausting age to parent is between the newborn stages to 1 to 2 years old.

It's most exhausting to parent kids younger than 5 years old and then it tends to get easier until around 7 to 8 years old and then gets easier again before the kid reaches the teen years which in some cases the teen years can also be pretty hard to parent.

Overwhelmed mother syndrome is also known as depleted mother syndrome which causes a parent to experience physical exhaustion, difficulty coping with stress and emotional sensitivity.

Mothers with overwhelmed syndrome can experience a heightened emotional sensitivity where the mothers buttons get pushed very quickly and frequently which causes the mother to become angry, hurt or depressed over things even when they are the smallest of things.

To survive mother burnout try to take breaks from your kids when possible, go out to eat alone or with your spouse, make goals focused on you and recognize what brings you peace such as going for walks or reading.

As for help to take care of your kids with you for awhile if possible.

Sometimes simply taking a break even for a few hours or a day or half a day can help you recharge from parenting burnout.

Other things that can help with mother burnout are engaging in mindfulness, connect with supportive networks, and schedule “me time.”

Acknowledge emotions, limit screen time, and remember, beating mom burnout is not a luxury it's a necessity for your well-being.

Embrace these coping strategies for mom burnout, reclaim joy, and navigate motherhood with resilience.

Parental burnout looks and feels like feeling exhausted or like you have low energy.

Having trouble controlling your worries.

Feeling less hope.

Feeling emotional—sadness, irritability, or anxiety.

The symptoms of burnout in parents are mental exhaustion, emotional exhaustion and physical exhaustion as well as feeling chronically fatigued and having problems with sleep, concentration and depression, illness and chronic anxiety.

It is very normal to feel burnt out as a mom or dad.

Being a mother or a father is very hard and it's even harder when you have more than one child.

Anyone that thinks that being a mother and taking care of kids is not a full time job are not correct and likely have no kids themselves.

Being a mother is a full time job and some mothers also have other jobs as well.

Being a mother itself is demanding enough but working a job and being a mother is double demanding and increases burn out.

Mom burnout occurs for a myriad of reasons, such as unrealistic parenting expectations, lack of support, lack of self-care, or simply not having enough time in the day to tackle parenting, work, and household responsibilities.

Mom burnout feels like feeling exhausted or like you have low energy.

Having trouble controlling your worries.

Feeling less hope.

Feeling emotional—sadness, irritability, or anxiety.

The reality is that it's also quite normal to hate being a mom from time to time.

When you decided to have a child, you gave up a huge chunk of your life.

93 to 95 percent of mothers feel burnt out.

Mommy fatigue is a form of exhaustion that occurs as a result of feeling physically and emotionally overwhelmed by parenting.

An exhausted mom often experiences fears related to not being good enough, relinquishing control, and losing her sense of self.

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