Is it normal to love your child so much it hurts?

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asked Jun 29, 2024 in Parenting by godisreal (1,640 points)
Is it normal to love your child so much it hurts?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 6, 2024 by JWalkz899 (1,730 points)
It is normal to love your child so much that it hurts.

Loving your child so much that it hurts is a good thing.

Until I had my first child I didn't understand the love that parents feel for their child but after becoming a parent I found out how much I would love my children.

I love my children so much that it hurts and would die for them.

Some key points around loving your child so much that it hurts includes.

Biological basis.

When a parent bonds with their child, a surge of hormones like oxytocin is released, creating a powerful feeling of attachment and love.
Intensity of emotions.

The love for a child is often described as profound and unique, which can sometimes manifest as a physical sensation of "aching" due to the sheer intensity.

Concerns about "too much" love.

While a deep love is natural, excessively controlling or overprotective behaviors can be detrimental to a child's development, preventing them from learning independence and resilience.

When a parent holds their newborn baby, they typically experience a flood of hormones that create a strong attachment and bond with their child.

This bond may even be further reinforced as the parent sees their child grow and develop.

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