What is the most damaging parenting style to a child's development?

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asked Jun 29 in Parenting by godisreal (1,640 points)
What is the most damaging parenting style to a child's development?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 19 by Gracy (144,820 points)
The most damaging parenting style to a child's development is neglectful parenting which is marked by a lack of both responsiveness and demands and often leaves a child to raise themselves.

The most harmful parenting style and also the least effective parenting style is the neglectful parenting style in which the parents do not interact much with their children and the children are not given any rules, structure or affection and are also left mostly to fend for themselves.

Both authoritarian parenting (strictness but not warmth) and neglectful parenting (neither warmth nor strictness) are consistently associated with the lowest quality parent–child relationships (the worst developmental outcomes).

The number one rule of parenting is to always be the kind of person that you want your kids to be.

If you want your kids to be considerate, honest and respectful then you have to also be honest, considerate and respectful to your kids and those around you as well.

The age that is the hardest to parent is between 7 to 8 years of age and after hat the teenager years are hardest to parent.

2 to 3 years of age and even 4 years of age can be hard to parent and age 3 is also known as a threenager for that reason.

The easiest years of parenting are between the ages of 5 to 6 years of age.

The age of 6 is considered the magical age in which parenting usually gets easier although after that parenting can also become harder.

The age that kids are the most difficult is between the ages of 2 to 3 years old and between 7 to 8 years of age.

After that the teen years are the most difficult part of parenting.

The reason you get so overwhelmed by your kids and the reason you're so burnt out on parenting is because parenting is a stressful job and being a parent is not for everyone.

Taking care of kids all the time and being around them and dealing with them including their tantrums when they have them can lead to you as a parent wanting to pull your hair out in anger and stress.

To come back from parental burnout try to get a break from your kids if possible such as having your Grandparents or another relative take care of the kids while you get away for a few days.

Ask for help from family or friends if you need it which can help you when you're feeling burnt out from parenting and it takes some of the stress off of you.

The symptoms of burnout in parents are mental exhaustion, emotional exhaustion and physical exhaustion as well as feeling chronically fatigued and having problems with sleep, concentration and depression, illness and chronic anxiety.

It is very normal to feel burnt out as a mom or dad.

Being a mother or a father is very hard and it's even harder when you have more than one child.

Anyone that thinks that being a mother and taking care of kids is not a full time job are not correct and likely have no kids themselves.

Being a mother is a full time job and some mothers also have other jobs as well.

Being a mother itself is demanding enough but working a job and being a mother is double demanding and increases burn out.

I love my kids and I have 5 of them but I do get burnt out and need a break from them so I will have them stay with Grandma and Grandpa while I have a few days to myself.

I still miss them when they are away but it's so nice to have a break.

Mom burnout occurs for a myriad of reasons, such as unrealistic parenting expectations, lack of support, lack of self-care, or simply not having enough time in the day to tackle parenting, work, and household responsibilities.

Mom burnout feels like feeling exhausted or like you have low energy.

Having trouble controlling your worries.

Feeling less hope.

Feeling emotional—sadness, irritability, or anxiety.

The reality is that it's also quite normal to hate being a mom from time to time.

When you decided to have a child, you gave up a huge chunk of your life.

93 to 95 percent of mothers feel burnt out.

Mommy fatigue is a form of exhaustion that occurs as a result of feeling physically and emotionally overwhelmed by parenting.

An exhausted mom often experiences fears related to not being good enough, relinquishing control, and losing her sense of self.

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