What is the best way to deal advanced Ejaculation problem?

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asked May 7, 2024 in Other- Health by jefferson (3,550 points)
edited May 7, 2024 by jefferson
Please share your ideas about "What is the best way to deal advanced Ejaculation problem?"

1 Answer

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answered May 7, 2024 by Weewun (12,660 points)
The best way to deal with advanced and early Ejaculation problems are.

Try masturbating 1 to 2 hours before having sex.
Try using a thick condom to help decrease sensation.
And try taking a deep breath to briefly shut down the ejaculatory reflex (an automatic reflex of the body, during which you ejaculate)

Delayed ejaculation treatment depends on the underlying cause, but it might include taking a medication or making changes to medications you currently take, undergoing psychological counseling, or addressing alcohol or illegal drug use.

Premature ejaculation occurs when a man has an orgasm and ejaculates earlier during intercourse than he or his partner would like.

It's a common problem, affecting 30% to 40% of men.

Causes include physical problems, chemical imbalances and emotional/psychological factors.

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