Fog is not a smell as pure fog has no smell since it's pure water but if the fog water droplets absorb chemicals or odors in the air it may smell like those chemicals or odors.
When it's foggy it means that the humidity in the air is at 100 percent and the water hangs in the air.
Humidity is basically a cloud that is close to the ground and the humidity causes loss of visibility which can be partial or even 100 percent loss of visibility.
The benefits of fog weather are decreased surface temperature, reduced heat and water stress for vegetation, cleaner air.
Although fog can carry pollutants the fog also helps to settle dust and clean the air of pollutants and makes the air safer to breathe.
In addition, fog represents a significant source of additional moisture in ecosystems with high fog incidence, such as those located in the cloud belt of mountain slopes exposed to prevailing winds.
In those ecosystems, vegetation (trees in particular) incorporates to the system significant amounts of water.
It is not bad to be outside in the fog unless you have breathing issues or respiratory issues or there are pollutants in the air.
Fog is bad for your health and bad for your lungs, especially if you have respiratory issues or breathing issues or if there is pollutants in the air when the fog is around.
The fog can carry the pollutants and when breathed in can make it bad for your lungs and make it hard to breathe.
If you have breathing issues or respiratory issues then it's best to avoid being out in the fog but if you need to be out in the fog you should wear a mask.
Fog develops first along ridgetops and upper slopes of mountains when air along the ridgetops and upper slopes of the mountains begin to cool after sunset.
And the air then becomes dense and heavy and begins to drain down into the valley floors below.
As the air in the valley floors continue to cool because of the radiational cooling the air then becomes saturated and fog forms.
Fog happens the most in sheltered valleys where there is little or no wind and in locations near bodies of water.
The wind would disrupt the formation of the fog.
Fog also happens a lot in Grand Banks Newfoundland where they get around 200 days or more of fog each year.
The 5 facts about fog are.
Fog is denser than mist.
Fog is a cloud on the ground.
Point Reyes California is the foggiest area in the United States.
There are as many types of fog as there are cloud formations in the sky.
Not all fogs are created equal.
The nickname for the fog in San Francisco is Karl which is a reference to Tim Burton's 2003 film called Big Fish.
The fog capital of California is Point Reyes which is a peninsula north of San Francisco and is known as one of the foggiest cities in the nation.
The reason it's so foggy at night is because of radiation fog which forms at night under clear skies with calm winds when heat is absorbed by the earth's surface during the day is radiated into space.
As the surface of the earth continues to cool,provided a deep enough layer of moist air is present near the ground and the humidity will reach 100 percent and fog will form.
Fog is worse at night and as the night progresses.
As long as there is sufficient moisture in the air, fog will begin to form as the night progresses.
The most common way for fog to form is is through steam fog which forms when cold air moves over warm water.
When cool air mixes with the warm moist air over the water, the moist air cools until it's humidity reaches 100 percent and as a result fog forms.
The time of day that fog is most common is in the morning just before sunrise or it can also occur during sunrise or at sunset.
Fog most often occurs in the morning because the morning is the coolest time of day when the temperature drops to the dew point temperatures and the relative humidity approaches 100 percent.
Most fog will completely go away and dissipate within a few hours after sunrise.
The difference between fog and mist is how far you can see through them.
Fog is when you can see less than 1,000 meters or 0.62 meters away and if you can see further than 1,000 meters or 0.62 miles away then it's mist.
Fog is also when microscopic droplets reduce the horizontal visibility at the Earth's surface to less than 0.62 miles and mist is when droplets do not reduce the horizontal visibility to less than 0.62 miles.
Mist is considered synonymous with light fog.
The temperature at which fog forms is any air temperature and dew point that is less than 4.5 F.
The fog begins to form when the water vapor condenses into tiny water droplets which are suspended in the air.
The main cause of fog is water vapor or water in it's gaseous form condensing.
During condensation, the molecules of water vapor combine to make tiny liquid water droplets which hang in the air.
And because of the tiny water droplets you can see the fog.
The water vapor itself is a gas that is invisible.
And steam fog forms when cold air moves over warm water.
When the cool air mixes with the warm moist air over the water, the moist air cools until its humidity reaches 100% and fog forms.
Warm air, air blows in from the south and if there is snow or cool moisture on the ground it will come in contact with the warm, moist winds.
This contact between the air and ground will cause the air blowing in to become cool.
Then dew point rises and creates high humidity and forms fog.
Fog normally occurs at a relative humidity near 100%.
This occurs from either added moisture in the air, or falling ambient air temperature. However, fog can form at lower humidity, and can sometimes fail to form with relative humidity at 100%.