How can I get rid of of A toothache fast

+1 vote
asked Jun 20, 2017 in Dental by Huys (180 points)
I've a toothache for the last few days. The toothache comes and goes and I can't sleep because my my terrible toothache?

How can I get rid of the toothache so I can get some sleep and be able to eat again?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 17, 2017 by Pete Beale (430 points)

Hopefully your toothache is gone by now. 

Try putting some ice on your affected tooth. 

Try putting ice on your affected tooth. Putting ice on your tooth will help with the swelling of your gums.

Use Orajel.  

Orajel works great for numbing toothaches. It will make you drool but will help alleviate the toothache pain. 

Orajel also works great for getting rid of canker sores. 

Try placing a warm tea bag between on your tooth. 

A warm teabag between your teeth has worked good for me to alleviate the toothache. 

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