Can I mix old cat litter with new?

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asked May 4, 2024 in Cats by LaneBedford (1,500 points)
Can I mix old cat litter with new?

1 Answer

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answered May 8, 2024 by Clanker32 (4,760 points)
You can mix old cat litter with new cat litter.

Mixing old cat litter with new cat litter is also often done when switching cat litter brands and over time you decrease the amount of old litter which is mixed in until it's 100 percent the new cat litter brand.

You can put baking soda in cat litter and the baking soda will be great at reducing odors and neutralizing the acid.

You only need to add a couple of tablespoons of baking soda to the cat litter for it to be effective.

The healthiest cat litter for humans and cats is corn based cat litter which is made from compressed dried corn which is a natural litter and is safe for cats and humans.

Most cats prefer clumping litter as it's easier for the cat to push the clumping litter aside.

You would use non-clumping cat litter when you want to absorb a large volume of urine and lock away any odors.

If you remove the poop everyday then the litter will stay fresh for up to a week using non clumping litter although less high quality cat litter may need changed every couple of days or so.

If you mix clumping and non-clumping litter it will inhibit the clumping litters ability to clump up.

So while you could mix clumping and non clumping litter together it's recommended not to do so.

Cat litter should be as deep as 2 inches but not over 2 inches as most cats will kick the excess cat litter out of the cat litter box if it's over 2 inches.

You can put too much litter in a litter box which will make it difficult for the cat to have a stable foundation to feel comfortable using the litter box.

When there's too much litter in the litter box the cat may also kick some of it out and onto the floor.

Cat litter should be up to 2 inches deep and if it's over 2 inches deep most cats won't use the litter.

Some long haired cats prefer less litter and a smooth and slick surface.

When the litter box is full most cats will refuse to use the litter box and will go on the floor instead.

So you should keep the litter box clean and prevent it from getting too full which keeps it healthy for you as well as the cat.

Unclean or dirty litter boxes can cause cats to develop infections including urinary tract infections so you should keep the cat litter box clean and remove any poop daily and change the cat litter out at least every few weeks or more depending on how many cats you have.

A cats litter should be changed out at least every 3 weeks to once a month depending on how many cats you have.

If you have one cat or two cats then you usually only need to change the cat litter out every 3 weeks to once a month.

A cat's litter should be changed as often as every 2 weeks to 3 weeks.

You should scoop the cat litter and remove the poop everyday and change it at least every 2 weeks but if you have more than once cat then you may need to change it at least once a week or sooner.

The #1 cat litter is Tidy Cats Naturally Strong Unscented Cat Litter.

The thing that is wrong with clay cat litter is the clay cat litter contains a chemical compound called silica and when inhaled the silica is carcinogenic and when your cat inhales it it gets into the cats lungs and can potentially cause respiratory problems.

The litter that cats should avoid are clumping clay litters that contain sodium bentonite which can be harmful to cats when ingested and some cats may also develop respiratory problems from dust that it produces.

The least dusty cat litter are natural plant based cat litters such as cassava or tofu pellets which are very low dust.

The best clumping cat litter is Arm & Hammer Super Scoop Clumping litter which has less dust and less tracking.

Another good clumping cat litter is Boxiecat Scent Free Premium Clumping Clay Litter.

The safest and most natural cat litter is Sustainably Yours Multi Cat Plus Extra Odor Control which is a cassava and corn based litter that has a soft texture.

It also forms hard clumps upon contact and also emits no detectable scent or dust.

The least toxic litter is tuft + paw Really Great Cat Litter, Petfive Sustainably Yours Natural Cat Litter, Pidan Tofu Cat Litter with Blood Test Particles, World's Best Original Clumping Cat Litter and CatSpot Coconut Non-Clumping Cat Litter.

The #1 recommended Cat Litter is Dr. Elsey's Ultra Cat Litter.

Tidy Cats Cat Litter is also a very good and recommended Cat Litter and also very popular.

The cat litter that vets recommend are cat litters made of wheat, corn or grass litter.

If your cat has any respiratory issues you should use low dust cat litter such as paper litter or wheat litter.

Clumping litter is usually best for most cats although some prefer the non clumping.

There's also low tracking litter as well.

A good cat litter is Sustainably Yours Multi-Cat Plus Extra Odor Control, which is a corn and cassava litter with a soft texture that most cats love.

It forms hard clumps on contact and emits no detectable scent or dust.

Other good cat liters are.

Purina Unscented Cat Litter.

Scoop Away Unscented Clay Cat Litter.

Arm & Hammer Fragrance-Free Clumping Cat Litter.

Fresh Step Clumping Cat Litter.

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