What are the psychological problems in children with daytime wetting?

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asked May 3, 2024 in Incontinence by Teenappti (2,100 points)
What are the psychological problems in children with daytime wetting?

1 Answer

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answered May 9, 2024 by youcalledme (7,960 points)
The psychological problems and reasons in children with daytime wetting are phobias or fears associated with toilets or anxiousness and emotional upset.

Some kids who daytime wet have fears or phobias of going into public toilets such as in schools and will hold it to the point the wet their pants.

Daytime wetting is common in children who are emotionally upset or anxious.

Daytime wetting in children can also be caused by urinary incontinence, weak bladder, or occur when the child laughs, jumps, runs or coughs.

And some children may be too involved in play and not pay attention to when they need to use the toilet so they just pee in their pants.

Constipation also commonly causes daytime wetting or enuresis, apparently because the stool mass irritates the bladder and decreases its storage volume.

Emotional stress, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual abuse, or other major life changes, can lead to regressive behaviors such as incontinence.

It's normal for kids to have the occasional daytime wetting accident but if it constantly occurs then the child may have a health issue that needs checked out.

If the child is constantly wetting their pants then they should ideally wear a pull up or diaper to contain the urine and keep their pants clean.

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