What age does male incontinence start?

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asked May 3, 2024 in Incontinence by Teenappti (2,100 points)
recategorized May 3, 2024 by Teenappti
What age does male incontinence start?

1 Answer

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answered May 8, 2024 by Hatkoff (8,880 points)
The age that male incontinence typically starts is ages 60 to 70 although male incontinence can start at any age but is more common in older men.

Men that have had prostate surgery or had the prostate removed because of cancer are more likely to suffer from urinary incontinence.

Not everyone who gets old will get urinary incontinence nor need adult diapers, pull ups etc to manage the condition.

Male incontinence can affect even young men in their 20s and 30s or 40s and even kids and teens.

The first signs of urinary incontinence are.

Leaking urine when coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercising.
Feeling sudden, uncontrollable urges to urinate.
Frequent urination.
Waking up many times at night to urinate.
Urinating during sleep.

If you suddenly start wetting your pants often then you should see a doctor.

If you're just leaking a little urine then pull ups or incontinence pads can help but if you have lots of urine coming out then you should use tape on adult diapers.

Most urinary incontinence in men is related to the prostate gland.

Male incontinence may be caused by, Prostatitis, a painful inflammation of the prostate gland or injury or damage to nerves or muscles from surgery.

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