What is nervous pee syndrome?

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asked May 2, 2024 in Incontinence by Trolaibat (1,900 points)
What is nervous pee syndrome?

1 Answer

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answered May 12, 2024 by layla (84,530 points)
Nervous pee syndrome is also known as paruresis and is when a person finds it difficult or even impossible to urinate when other people are around them.

Nervous pee syndrome or paruresis is believed to be a very common social phobia and ranks second only to the fear of public speaking.

Paruresis or nervous pee syndrome is most often first experienced at schools.

You can help get rid of nervous pee syndrome or paruresis through cognitive behavioral therapy which changes the way you behave and think.

Graduated exposure therapy also can help with nervous pee syndrome which is a step by step program that involves deliberately trying to urinate in increasingly more difficult places.

Around 8 our of 10 people with paruresis are helped through graduated exposure therapy.

To stimulate your bladder to pee or urinate.

Keep track of your urination patterns and bring the report to your health care provider.
Apply heat to your lower abdomen (below your belly button and above the pubic bone).
Massage or apply light pressure over your bladder to help the bladder empty.
Take a warm bath or shower to help stimulate urination.

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