When your 9 year old boy is leaking urine it can mean that they have an overactive bladder or the 9 year old boys bladder muscles are a bit weak or they may have a bladder infection or be developing urinary incontinence and should see a doctor.
Urinary incontinence in school aged child is the involuntary release of urine after being potty trained.
When a child is not urinary incontinent the bladder holds the pee until the child needs to urinate but when the child is urinary incontinent the bladder does not hold the urine back and the muscles release and empty the bladder involuntarily.
Wetting pants is common among Kindergarten students and preschoolers and is usually the result of the bladder being a bit weak or the result of waiting too long to go to the toilet.
Urinary incontinence in children or daytime wetting is more common than fecal incontinence is
In elementary school students bladder and bowel incontinence is much more rare.
Stress can cause kids to pee their pants just like stress can cause an adult to pee their pants.
Being stressed out or even being fearful of something or having anxiety can lead to a child peeing their pants.
A child suddenly peeing his pants may be for seeking attention, potty training regression, having a new baby in the family and the child wants to be the baby instead and seek attention or they may have a bladder issue or UTI etc.
If your child is suddenly having accidents they may simply be distracted or too busy with play or they may be stressed out, have anxiety, or fearful of something or the child may have a bladder issue that is causing them to wet their pants.
To stop a child from peeing in their pants start by creating a schedule for your child to go pee at least every 2 hours to 3 hours or when you know they are about to pee.
Have the child go pee a few minutes or so before they usually pee and remind the child to go pee or at least try.
Use sticker charts for children that are young enough and track your child's bathroom trips and reward them when they go pee in the toilet instead of their pants.
If the child still has wetting accidents or peeing in their pants then they may have a health issue that they should see a doctor about.
Kids stop having potty accidents around 6 months after the child is done potty training.
However some may continue having potty accidents or pants wetting accidents until around 7 or 8 years old even after being potty trained.
Bed wetting or nighttime wetting can last until 17 or 18 or even be lifelong but most kids stop bed wetting around 6 to 8 years old but some kids don't stop bed wetting until as old as 17 which is normal.
You should never punish a child for potty accidents whether it's daytime potty accidents or nighttime potty accidents.
A child that is having potty accidents is not doing it on purpose and punishing the child for the potty accidents will not do any good.
Now if the child is purposely peeing on things such as peeing on the carpet, couch on purpose then yes punish them for it but simply wetting or pooping their pants they should not be punished.
Simply tell them that it's okay to have potty accidents but next time try to get to the toilet and do it their and then help them clean up or if they are old enough they should clean up themselves and take a shower or bath if needed.
You should never punish a child for peeing their pants as most times it's just an accident and punishing the child peeing their pants will not solve anything and may even make things worse.
Simply let them know that they should try again later to use the toilet and get them some clean clothes and have them clean up and change into them.
It's normal for a potty trained child to have occasional wetting accidents but it's not normal for the child to have constant wetting accidents.
If the child has ADHD then it can be more normal for the child with ADHD to have daytime accidents and wetting their pants.
But if the child does not have ADHD or other health issue and is otherwise normal then wetting their pants or pooping their pants past 5 years old is not normal and the child should see a doctor.
The child who is wetting their pants may be stressed out or may fear toilets etc or they may have a bladder condition or bowel issue that needs to be checked out.
If the child constantly has pee or poop accidents then they ideally should wear pull ups or a diaper to contain the pee or poop.
ADHD can cause daytime wetting and it's normal for a child with ADHD to have wetting accidents and daytime wetting.
If your child with ADHD is constantly having wetting accidents then they may need to wear some pull ups or diapers to contain the wetting.
However if it's an occasional daytime wetting accident then they may not need a pull up or diaper.
Some kids may be urinary and or bowel incontinent from birth and may never gain control of their bladder or bowels and some kids develop urinary incontinence or even bowel incontinence later in life.
ADHD kids do pee their paints even after being potty trained.
It's also possible that the ADHD kid is harder to potty train and may take longer to potty train or be harder to potty train than some kids without ADHD.
Some kids with ADHD may not be out of daytime diapers until around 5 to 8 years old or longer.
A child or a person who has ADHD may have trouble paying attention and also have trouble with controlling their impulsive behaviors (may act without thinking about what the result will be), or be overly active.
ADHD can't be cured, but ADHD can be successfully managed and some symptoms may improve as the child or person with ADHD ages.
ADHD often begins in childhood and can persist into adulthood.
It may contribute to low self-esteem, troubled relationships, and difficulty at school or work.
Symptoms of ADHD include limited attention and hyperactivity.
Treatments for ADHD include medication and talk therapy.
Symptoms of inattentive ADHD and ADHD include
Lack of attention to detail.
Trouble staying focused.
Frequent spaciness.
Difficulty following instructions.
Easily distracted.
Often misplacing possessions.
Difficulty sustaining mental effort.
ADHD is similar to autism but ADHD is not a form of autism.
While autism and ADHD are both neurological conditions, they're not the same thing.
There are, however, many overlapping symptoms between ADHD and autism and it's not uncommon for people to have a dual diagnosis.