The Bible doesn't say anything specific about cremation being right or wrong and there's not any specific command to bury or cremate a dead body.
However some passages in the Bible though are interpreted to reference cremation and the Bible does offer some guidance.
For example Samuel 31:11-13 describes the burning of Saul and his sons, followed by their burial.
Biblical scholars also say that cremation was not the typical practice for burial for Israelites, but that Saul and Jonathan were cremated because their bodies were mutilated.
The bible also emphasizes the temporary nature of the physical body and the importance of the spiritual existence.
Christianity also has a positive view of the human body and creation in general and the bible teaches that God created the world and everything in it and pronounced it very good.
Bodies do not sit up during cremation although the body may try to sit up due to the heat and the body can change position due to the heat.
But the body itself is dead and it's not the person moving but the heat heat causing the body to move.
The body does not sit up during cremation but due to the high heat of the cremation fire the body can move some and change posture.
This position is characterized as a defensive posture and has been seen to occur in bodies that have experienced extreme heat and burning.
The pugilistic stance is "caused by high-temperatures in fire, resulting in muscle stiffening and shortening and can occur even if the person was dead before the fire.
The body does not feel pain during cremation.
When someone dies the person does not feel any pain or have any senses anymore as the brain has completely shut down and every organ has also shut down.
So the person being cremated will not know they are being put into the cremation oven and being cremated.
If the person feels pain then they are alive and not dead.
But if the person is indeed really dead then the person will not feel or experience any pain or discomfort from being cremated.
Cremation although it seems crude is actually a better option than burying a body and it's more environmentally friendly as well.
The body is burned up and the bones are ground up into powder which takes less space than a body being in the ground.
Also no coffin is needed and no concrete for burial vaults are needed either.
Cremation can cost thousands of dollars less than traditional burial of the body.