New size 8 Parents Choice Diapers coming soon

+1 vote
asked Apr 28, 2024 in ABDL by 13yolddiaperboy (2,360 points)

New size 8 parents choice diapers coming soon to Walmart.

Walmart's parents choice diaper brand is making a new size 8 diaper which I cannot wait for.

It's good to see new sizes in diapers coming out and when they get them  in stock I'm gonna buy some and try them. has the below image on their website in the parents choice diaper link.

Parents Choice Size 8 diaeprs coming soon

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 2, 2024 by NellieTapia (2,250 points)
These new size 8 parents choice diapers are great for older kids that need diapers whether for incontinence or bed wetting.

My 8 year old son wears these parents choice diapers for bed wetting and they fit him perfectly and it keeps his bed and clothing dry.

He wears these size 8 parents choice diapers when on long road trips as well because he drinks a lot and will sometimes wet his pants before he makes it to a toilet.

He sometimes just uses the diaper regardless to avoid holding it in which is okay.

I told him that if he needed to use the diaper instead of making it to the toilet it's okay because it's not good to hold in your pee too long.

I'm glad they're making bigger diapers for older kids now.

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