What does a stomach tumor feel like?

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asked Apr 26, 2024 in Other- Health by gowiggleit (1,600 points)
What does a stomach tumor feel like?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 10, 2024 by Kledolock (6,980 points)
A stomach tumor can feel like bloating, belly pain, stomach pain and may cause vomiting and nausea as well as indigestion or heartburn and pain in your upper abdomen.

A stomach tumor is a mass that can form in your stomach when the cells in your stomach lining change and then multiply rapidly.

Stomach tumors are also called gastric tumors and can be either malignant or benign.

Malignant stomach tumors are cancerous and benign stomach tumors are non cancers.

The majority of stomach tumors are benign and non cancerous.

Stomach cancer can develop when a person has something that damages the cells in their stomach lining and causes DNA changes which tell the cells to multiply quickly.

The cancer often grows slowly over many years and is most often found in people that are in their late 60s to 80s.

The symptoms of a stomach tumor are feeling bloated after eating, feeling full after eating small amounts of food, not feeling hungry, belly pain and trouble swallowing.

The symptoms of stomach cancer include unintentional weight loss, stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, indigestion, heartburn, feeling full after eating a small amount of food, feeling bloated after eating and trouble swallowing.

Most abdominal masses or stomach tumors are benign (noncancerous), although some are malignant (cancerous).

There are several conditions that cause abdominal masses and stomach tumors, including Crohn's disease, an enlarged spleen and certain types of cancer.

Treatment for stomach tumors or abdominal masses depend on the cause but may include medication or surgery.

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