How do you stop stomach acid from burning?

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asked Apr 26 in Other- Health by gowiggleit (1,600 points)
How do you stop stomach acid from burning?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 27 by Vapirusky (41,180 points)
You can stop stomach acid from burning by taking over the counter antacids, drinking some water or some plant based milk or low fat milk and avoiding laying flat right after eating and elevate the head of your bed.

Although lemon juice is very acidic it can help to stop stomach acid from burning and neutralize stomach acid burn.

Mixing a small amount of lemon juice with some warm water and honey has an alkalizing effect which neutralizes stomach acid and also stops the stomach acid from burning.

Stomach acid burns last from a few minutes to a couple of hours.

In most cases the stomach acid burn should go away when your last meal that you have eaten has passed through your stomach.

Taking some over the counter antacids can help to alleviate the stomach acid burn.

Foods you should eat when your stomach is burning are high fiber foods, healthy fats, lettuce, oatmeal, whole grains, vegetables, potatoes, Fennel, yogurt, nuts, melons, cantaloupe, watermelon, apples, lean meats, ginger and bananas and non acidic fruits.

Drinks that help a burning stomach are water, herbal tea, chamomile tea, ginger tea, licorice tea, plant based milk, low fat milk, oat milk, almond milk, flax milk, coconut water, smoothies and juices such as aloe Vera juice, carrot juice and carrot juice and cucumber juice.

Drinking water does help a burning stomach and even taking some over the counter antacids can also help in most cases of burning stomach.

The causes of a burning sensation in your stomach can be heartburn, indigestion, certain foods, certain medications or stomach ulcers.

A burning gnawing feeling in your stomach can be caused by indigestion or even peptic ulcers also known as stomach ulcers.

Even certain medications, certain foods and IBS or irritable bowel syndrome can cause a burning gnawing feeling in your stomach.

Rarely some cancers can cause a burning sensation in your stomach but most cases of a burning gnawing feeling in your stomach are not as serious.

Having constant or severe stomach burning can indicate a more serious condition such as a stomach ulcer and if it does not go away or gets worse you should see a doctor.

The signs and symptoms of an ulcer in the stomach are belching, bloating, nausea and vomiting, feeling uncomfortably full after a meal, feeling full too soon when eating a meal and pain or discomfort that occurs in the upper part of the abdomen or anywhere between your belly button and your breastbone.

The most common symptom of stomach ulcers is a burning or gnawing pain that occurs in the center of your tummy (abdomen).

However stomach ulcers aren't always painful and some people may experience other symptoms when they have stomach ulcers, such as indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux and feeling sick.

Stomach ulcers which are also called peptic ulcers are open sores that develop on the inside lining of the stomach and the upper portion of the small intestine.

Stomach ulcers occur when the stomach acid damages the lining of the digestive tract.

Common causes of stomach ulcers include the bacteria H. Pylori and anti-inflammatory pain relievers including aspirin.

Upper abdominal pain is a common symptom of stomach ulcers.

Treatment for stomach ulcers usually includes medication to decrease stomach acid production.

And if a bacteria is the cause of the stomach ulcers, antibiotics may be needed.

Treatment for your stomach ulcer will depend on what caused it.

With treatment, most ulcers heal in a few months.

If the stomach ulcer is caused by a Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacterial infection, a course of antibiotics and a medication called a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) is recommended.

Fiber rich foods are good foods to eat with stomach ulcers.

Apples, pears, oatmeal, and other foods that are high in fiber are good for ulcers in two ways.

The fiber can lower the amount of acid in your stomach while easing bloating and pain and a diet rich in fiber may help prevent ulcers.

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