How do I get rid of an ingrown hair cyst on my pubic area?

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asked Apr 25 in Hair by Mathplenty (1,100 points)
How do I get rid of an ingrown hair cyst on my pubic area?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 6 by JWalkz899 (1,730 points)
To get rid of an ingrown hair cyst on your pubic area apply a warm compress to the ingrown hair cyst several times a day.

The warm compress will help the ingrown hair cyst on your pubic area to drain naturally.

Be sure to keep the area clean with soap and water and avoid shaving around the ingrown hair cyst.

Use a mild antiseptic or over the counter antibiotic cream to prevent infection of the ingrown hair cyst.

Applying a warm compress and antibiotic ointment daily can help the ingrown hair cyst on your pubic area go away.

However if it becomes infected, painful or doesn't go away you should see a doctor who can drain it with a sterile needle.

To shave your pubes without getting ingrown hairs you should use a sharp razor with some good shaving gel and shave the pubic hair in the direction of the hair growth.

Also gently pull your skin taut while you shave the pubic hair and rinse the razor frequently and also exfoliate the area before you shave your pubic area to remove dead skin cells which can trap hairs.

Also soak your pubes in some warm water which softens the hairs and then apply some good quality shaving gel or shaving cream.

Always shave the pubic hair with the grain in the direction the hair grows and not against it.

Shaving against the grain of the hair can lead to ingrown hairs and ingrown hair cysts.

Most ingrown hair cysts do go away on their own within 1 week to 2 weeks.

In some cases ingrown hair cysts may not go away and need treatment but most ingrown hair cysts go away on their own.

You can help the ingrown hair cysts go away by applying a warm compress regularly and applying some antiseptic.

Left untreated an ingrown hair cyst can sometimes lead to an infection, which may worsen or travel to the blood without treatment.

An ingrown hair cyst is a lump beneath your skin and is a fluid filled sac which forms when an ingrown hair becomes infected or when a hair follicle becomes blocked.

Ingrown hair cysts will not have a visible head and might be red, white or yellow in color.

The ingrown hair cyst may also be painful or tender to the touch.

Most types of cysts look similar and an ingrown hair cyst will start as a small red bump.

Treatments for ingrown hair cysts include keeping the skin moisturized and discontinuing shaving, which allows the ingrown hairs to grow out.

Over the counter medications containing benzoyl peroxide or retinoids can reduce inflammation and decrease the size of the ingrown hair cysts.

Ingrown hair cysts are not harmful but they can be intensely painful.

Left untreated an ingrown hair cyst can also lead to an infection, which may worsen or travel to the blood without treatment.

An ingrown hair cyst can appear and also like a pimple, but it can grow bigger.

Sometimes, you can see the hair in the ingrown hair cyst.

If the bump gets larger or redder, oozes, or hurts, it could be infected.

Steroid creams can help get rid of an ingrown hair cyst and prevent infection.

Steroid creams help reduce irritation and itching.

Creams or pills can also be used to control infection.

Antibiotic creams treat mild infections caused by scratching.

Antibiotic pills might be needed for a more serious infection from an ingrown hair cyst.

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