How do you get rid of free radicals in your body?

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asked Apr 22, 2024 in Other- Health by codyyody (1,560 points)
How do you get rid of free radicals in your body?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 30, 2024 by femealeofinternets (29,160 points)
You can get rid of free radicals in your body by drinking green tea, eating foods rich in vitamins E, Vitamin C and Vitamin A and foods rich in antioxidants.

The herbs that get rid of free radicals are pine bark, Thyme, Oregano, Garlic, Cumin, Centella asiatica, Sage, Lemon balm, Ginger, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Rosemary, Asian Ginseng and Ginkgo biloba.

Lemon balm contains phenolic compounds like thymol and carvacrol, which gives the lemon balm it's antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

Cinnamon is also good for getting rid of free radicals.

The essential oil of cinnamon can decrease lipid peroxidation and lower hepatic cholesterol content.

What strengthens the brain to fight off free radicals is eating foods that are rich in antioxidants like berries, walnuts, blueberries, dark leafy greens and also taking supplements such as Glutathione and even drinking green tea.

Also vitamins like vitamin E help to protect the cell membranes from radical harm.

The most powerful antioxidant that you can take is Glutathione which is also the most powerful antioxidant the body naturally produces.

Glutathione is a naturally occurring antioxidant that is made up of the amino acids glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine.

Glutahtione helps the other antioxidants in the body remain active and fights free radicals and plays a role in detoxification.

The big three antioxidants are vitamins E, Vitamin C and Vitamin A.

Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Vitamin A are the most studied antioxidants, although there are several other antioxidants that are found in vegetables and fruits which include Glutathione, Flavonoids, Polyphenols and Carotenoids.

Carotenoids are found in yellow-orange fruits such as dark green leafy vegetables, pumpkins, tomatoes and carrots.

Polyphenols are compounds with multiple phenolic hydroxy groups in their molecules.

Flavonoids are a type of polyphenol found in plants which can reduce activity of NADPH membrane oxidase.

Glutathione is a thiol tripeptide that is found in almost all cellular compartments.

The best antioxidant drink is unsweetened green tea.

Green tea contains a high concentration of antioxidants which include catechins and polyphenols.

The polyphenols and catechins compounds can help to fight the damaging compounds in the body.

Catechins are main polyphenols in green tea and can reduce the risk of some types of cancer.

The most effective catechins in green tea are epicatechin-3-gallate and epigallocatechin-3-gallate.

Polyphenols are a type of antioxidant which can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

The foods that are high in antioxidants are oranges, broccoli, beets, avocados, walnuts, red cabbage, leafy greens, Kale, spinach, raspberries, nuts, grapes, cranberries, blackberries, tomatoes, strawberries, pecans, apples, sweet potatoes, beans, berries, artichokes and dark chocolate.

The fruit that has the most antioxidants are blueberries which have the most antioxidant content out of the most common fruits.

Other fruits that contain the most antioxidants are blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, goji berries, and raspberries.

Apples and pears also have some antioxidants and have been linked to a lower risk of death from heart disease.

Red grapes and peaches are also packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

The fruit that is the king of antioxidants are blueberries.

Blueberries are called the King of antioxidants as blueberries are high in antioxidants as well as minerals, vitamins K and vitamins C and fiber.

Blueberries are also known as a superfood and can help to increase your body's antioxidant levels and also neutralize the free radicals in the body which can damage your DNA.

Other fruits that are high in antioxidants include.



Goji berries.

Tart cherries.


Other foods that are high in antioxidants are beetroot, Avocados, cabbage, artichokes, asparagus, potatoes, spinach, carrots and broccoli.

Antioxidants are a type of molecule which protects your cells from damage that is caused by free radicals.

Free radicals are unstable molecules which can damage and harm cells, organs and tissues.

Antioxidants help to neutralize the free radicals, which are often responsible for illnesses and health issues such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Antioxidants also help to regulate inflammation in the body.

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