Is hypersensitivity the same as allergy?

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asked Apr 18, 2024 in Other- Health by Jjbe1999 (1,480 points)
Is hypersensitivity the same as allergy?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 20, 2024 by 121inches (13,180 points)
Hypersensitivity is the same as allergy as allergy is an abnormal response of the body to a foreign body which is known as an antigen that involves the immune system recognizing the antigen and mounting one of four types of responses.

Autoimmune diseases that cause hypersensitivity are ANCA Vasculitis, Pernicious anemia, Graves disease, Myasthenia gravis, good pasture syndrome, acute rheumatic fever and autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura.

What hypersensitivity does to your body is it produces an unnecessary and undesirable immune response following any exposure to a certain antigen.

Treatment for hypersensitivity and reactive skin disorders depends on the cause if it can be identified.

Stopping a drug or avoiding exposure to a known irritant may be all that is needed.

Bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics, and viral infections may be treated with antiviral drugs.

An example of type 5 hypersensitivity is Grave's disease in which antibodies are made against the thyroid stimulating hormone receptors of thyroid cells.

Hypersensitivity reactions are triggered by certain foods such as peanuts, wheat, tree nuts, fish, soy, shellfish, milk and eggs.

Hypersensitivity reactions are also triggered by insect stings such as stings from a bee or wasp, certain medications such as penicillin or penicillin based antibiotics and airborne allergens like animal dander, dust mites, mold and pollen.

The 4 types of hypersensitivity are.

Type 1: Reaction mediated by IgE antibodies.
Type 2: Cytotoxic reaction mediated by IgG or IgM antibodies.
Type 3: Reaction mediated by immune complexes.
Type Delayed reaction mediated by cellular response.

Type IV Hypersensitivity (Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity) Type IV hypersensitivity which is also known as cell-mediated hypersensitivity because it is the result of the interaction of T lymphocytes and the specific antigen to which they have been sensitized.

Type I hypersensitivities include atopic diseases, which are an exaggerated IgE mediated immune responses (i.e., allergic: asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and dermatitis), and allergic diseases, which are immune responses to foreign allergens (i.e., anaphylaxis, urticaria, angioedema, food, and drug allergies).

Type III hypersensitivity reactions can be associated with medications, autoimmune, or infectious conditions.

Further, it can involve multiple organ systems that may require expertise from various specialties.

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