Do anti colic bottles actually work?

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asked Apr 17, 2024 in Baby/Newborn by Withmyphone (1,940 points)
Do anti colic bottles actually work?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 22, 2024 by Coffeemomma (40,900 points)
Anti colic bottles do actually work and help to ease symptoms caused by feeding issues.

Your baby's stomach capacity is limited so if you're filling the baby's stomach with food and gas it gets full and uncomfortable until you burp the baby to relieve the gas or they pass the gas.

The anti colic bottles help to prevent the baby from sucking in air which leads to the gas in the baby's stomach.

To choose bottle nipples you choose the bottle nipples based on the age of the baby and how much flow they need.

Bottle nipples are sized for the age the baby they are meant for.

For example size 1 bottle nipples have a small hole which are meant for newborn babies and those that don't require a faster flow which is for ages birth to 3 months of age.

Size 2, size 3 and size 4 bottle nipples have much larger holes and are good for older babies above 3 months of age.

Special bottle nipples for premature babies are also available.

A bottle nipple is sometimes called a teat which is a flexible part of a baby bottle that allow the baby to suck on to get milk.

The teat or bottle nipple on a baby bottle contains a small hole that allows the milk and fluids to flow through slowly as the baby sucks.

The collar of the bottle goes over the nipple and screws onto the bottle to seal the nipple to the bottle.

There are different flow rates for nipples depending on the baby's age.

You can get bottle nipples that have a slow, medium, or fast flow rate.

These nipples are often numbered, 1 is the slowest flow.

Infants usually start with a smaller hole and slower flow.

You will increase the size as your baby gets better at feeding and drinks more.

A spout requires a bit more finesse than a nipple to draw out liquid.

It also supports your baby's transition from a suckling to a sucking drinking motion, which typically happens around the 6-month mark.

To support those first sips, we created a soft spout that's flexible and soft on gums.

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