Which ointment is best for burn wound?

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asked Apr 16, 2024 in Other- Health by Blantsonse (1,580 points)
Which ointment is best for burn wound?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 30, 2024 by femealeofinternets (29,160 points)
The ointment that is best for a burn wound is Neosporin or even petroleum jelly for minor burn wounds.

You can also use a burn relief ointment which soothes pain and prevents infection of the burn wound.

For more severe burns the best ointment for the burn would is silver sulfadiazine cream which is an antibiotic cream which treats burns and prevents infections.

You can also use topical analgesics on the burn wound like Alocane Maximum Strength Emergency Burn Gel.

Or even use CVS Health Maximum Strength Burn Gel.

When you burn your skin you should also immediately immerse the burned skin in cool tap water or apply cold, wet compresses.

You should do this for about 10 minutes or until the pain from the burn subsides.

Then apply petroleum jelly or burn creams to the burn, two to three times daily.

Do not apply, toothpaste or butter to the burn, as these may cause an infection and make the burn wound worse.

While some burns can be treated at home, third degree burns need immediate medical attention in the ER.

A third degree burn is a burn that has extended through all layers of your skin and appears white or charred and often causes little to no pain.

Burns on the face, hands, feet, genitals, or major joints should be checked by a doctor even if they seem mild.

Any burn to the skin that is larger than the size of your palm also requires medical attention and if you notice any signs of infection of the burn such as blistering, difficulty breathing, or severe pain you should seek medical attention.

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