What causes an appendix to rupture?

+1 vote
asked Oct 12, 2018 in Pain by jeophmorgan (230 points)
What causes an appendix to rupture?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 16, 2018 by Stalin9099 (350 points)
When the lining in your appendix gets blocked it results in the infection appendicitis.

When the appendix swells due to bacteria multiplying rapidly then that's what can cause your appendix to burst open and rupture.

When your appendix gets bacteria infected it becomes swollen and filled with pus and when the appendix swells to far then it bursts.

So as soon as you notice symptoms of appendicitis then you need to get to the emergency room soon because appendicitis when left untreated can sometimes kill you.

Symptoms of Appendicitis are.

Pain in the abdomen, mid-abdomen, or right lower abdomen and the pain can be dull, sharp, mild, or even severe.
Other things you may experience with appendicitis are chills, fever, loss of appetite, or malaise
Gastrointestinal: diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting and Also abdominal pain migration.

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