Can female facial hair be removed permanently?

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asked Apr 14, 2024 in Hair by acmjarous (1,940 points)
Can female facial hair be removed permanently?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 4 by Writerwife (12,570 points)
Female facial hair can be removed permanently through laser hair removal and electrolysis.

Electrolysis destroys the hair follicles with an electrical current and works on all hair types including light colored hair.

The electrolysis requires multiple sessions to work fully but after the final treatment there's no further treatment needed.

The laser hair removal uses a high heat laser to destroy the hair follicles so they won't grow back and requires multiple sessions to work.

Intense pulsed light and prescription creams are also other ways of removing facial hair.

Normal facial hair for a woman is fine and light in color and like peach fuzz on the woman's upper lip and chin.

Some facial hair is normal for a woman but excessive facial hair is not normal for women and is called hirsutism.

The coarse hair on a female's chin is called hirsutism and is a condition in which a woman experiences excessive growth of dark, coarse hair in male pattern areas such as the face, chest and back.

Hirsutism is often caused by an imbalance of hormones with increased male hormones called androgens and testosterone.

Hirsutism is the most noticeable around the chins and upper lip.

Hirsutism is a hormone imbalance of the hormones called androgens.

When the level of the androgen hormones increase or your body becomes more sensitive to the androgen hormones you can develop hirsutism.

The most common reason for having hirsutism but not PCOS is having been born with hair follicles that are more sensitive to androgens

Hirsutism most often means you have PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome although you can have hirsutism without PCOS.

In women, androgens are produced by the ovaries or the adrenal glands.

Although some women with hirsutism don't have PCOS or any other cause that can be found.

Their hormone levels are normal, and so are their menstrual cycles.

These women may have been born with hair follicles that are more sensitive to androgens.

The endocrine disorder that causes hirsutism is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Low estrogen can cause hirsutism because estrogen helps your liver produce the protein that binds the testosterone and prevents it from affecting the hair follicles which is why women that go through menopause often will notice some increased facial hair.

Hirsutism is excessive terminal hair in androgen dependent areas of a woman's body.

There's no way to get rid of hirsutism although treating the underlying cause can help to get rid of the unwanted hair and prevent future growth of the hair but the hair with hirsutism may not fully go away.

Hirsutism cannot be reversed although treating the cause of hirsutism can help improve the symptoms.

Long term use of medication for hirsutism can also slow hair growth but it does not usually get rid of the existing hair on the body and face.

Laser hair removal and waxing can also reduce any unwanted hair from hirsutism.

It is okay to have hirsutism as it does not cause any physical complications or health issues but the underlying cause of hirsutism is a hormonal imbalance which can cause physical complications.

If you have irregular periods and hirsutism you may have polycystic ovary syndrome which can also inhibit fertility.

Some women that have hirsutism may also feel self conscious or low self esteem with the unwanted hair.

The ethnicity that has hirsutism is South Asian races, European races, Middle Eastern races and Mediterranean races which Hirsutism is most prevalent in.

Hirsutism usually affects Hispanic women that have polycystic ovarian cysts more than non Hispanic women but it can affect any ethnicity.

The most common cause of hirsutism is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which is a condition affecting the ovaries that can also cause symptoms such as acne and irregular periods.

Hirsutism is linked to the hormones called androgens and it can occur if the level of the androgen hormones increase or if your body becomes more sensitive to the androgens.

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