How do you beat a toxic person at their own game?

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asked Apr 14 in Polls/Surveys by acmjarous (1,940 points)
How do you beat a toxic person at their own game?

3 Answers

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answered Sep 23 by AlbertDean (1,280 points)
It's about setting boundaries without being drawn into their drama.
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answered Sep 23 by Gonzalio (820 points)

One way to deal with a toxic person is by understanding their motivations and keeping a cool head. Toxic people often thrive on reactions and emotional outbursts. By not giving them what they seek—your emotional energy—you take control of the situation.  A calm, strategic approach makes a huge difference. If you're looking for more in-depth guidance on handling complex situations involving toxic individuals, you might find useful insights on guidedhacking—a resource for navigating these types of challenges.

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answered Sep 23 by landobrian (12,150 points)
You can beat a toxic person at their own game by setting boundaries and establishing clear boundaries in regard to their actions that you will not and cannot put up with the things they do.

Limit your contact, don't take it personally, use strategic empathy and embrace self compassion as well as be assertive.

The more irrational and off-base someone is, the easier it should be for you to remove yourself from their traps.

Quit trying to beat them at their own game.

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