How emotionally intelligent people handle toxic people?

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asked Apr 14, 2024 in Polls/Surveys by acmjarous (1,940 points)
How emotionally intelligent people handle toxic people?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 6, 2024 by Q766s (23,690 points)
Emotionally intelligent people handle toxic people by prioritizing their own emotional well being by distracting themselves when necessary.

Other ways emotionally intelligent people handle toxic people are by focusing on solutions rather than the problem, staying calm and detached, limiting interactions with the toxic people and setting clear boundaries.

Some toxic people do know they are toxic although some toxic people are not aware of their toxic behavior.

Many times toxic people are not fully conscious of the negative impact that their actions have on other people.

Most toxic people are always the victim when any conflicts occur and their actions are always justified in their mind and their eyes.

A toxic person will sometimes change but some toxic people never change.

If the toxic person is willing to put in the effort they can change their toxic behavior ways but it can take time and requires self awareness and a desire to improve and consistent work on themselves.

A toxic person behaves in many different ways which include taking things without giving back, lying, ignoring boundaries, draining your energy, lacking empathy, playing the victim, lashing out or being unpredictable, being abuse, either emotionally, physically or verbally,, being self centered and being manipulative.

Toxic people will often focus on their own needs and wants over your needs and wants.

The toxic person may refuse to comfort you if they would rather do something else.

A toxic person may also show little to no empathy for others, disregard your boundaries and constantly demand attention, sympathy or validation and leave you feeling exhausted.

Toxic people may also deny that traumatic events happened or lie.

Other signs of a toxic person include.

Constant criticism and manipulation.

Excessive negativity and disregard for boundaries.

Always playing the victim and being overly judgmental.

Gaslighting and the inability to apologize sincerely.

A toxic person can make you physically sick, especially when you're around them or are constantly communicating with the toxic person.

The constant stress and negative emotions caused by the toxic persons behavior can manifest in physical symptoms which include fatigue, weakened immune system function, digestive issues and headaches.

Being around toxic people or in toxic relationships can lead to high levels of stress and anxiety, which can lead to physical health issues.

Stomach aches, disrupted sleep patterns, muscle tension and headaches are all common physical symptoms of being around a toxic person or being in a toxic relationship.

Being around toxic people can also cause you to neglect your own needs such as healthy eating and exercise which further impacts your physical health and well being.

The emotional distress and stress from being around a toxic person or in a toxic relationship can also cause depression and lead to physical manifestations.

The signs that a person is toxic include.

Constant criticism and manipulation.

Excessive negativity and disregard for boundaries.

Always playing the victim and being overly judgmental.

Gaslighting and the inability to apologize sincerely.

The person makes you feel drained and consistently tries to control your decisions or actions.

You can shut down a toxic person or toxic people by limiting contact with them.

Gradually reduce your interactions with the toxic person or toxic people.

This can mean spending less and less time in person with them or limiting any communication with the toxic person through calls and messages.

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