At what stage is lymphoma terminal?

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asked Apr 14, 2024 in Diseases Conditions by acmjarous (1,940 points)
At what stage is lymphoma terminal?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 6, 2024 by Q766s (23,690 points)
Stage 4 is the stage of lymphoma that is terminal.

Stage 4 lymphoma is the most advanced stage of lymphoma where the lymphoma cancer has spread to your organs outside of your lymphatic system including your lungs, bone marrow and liver and makes it more difficult to treat.

Although even at stage 4 the prognosis for lymphoma can vary and depend on the type of lymphoma and your individual factors.

Stage 1 lymphoma is confined to a single lymph node group.

Stage 2 lymphoma cancer affects multiple lymph node groups on one side of your diaphragm.

Stage 3 lymphoma cancer has spread to your lymph nodes on both sides of your diaphragm.

And stage 4 lymphoma has spread to the organs that are outside your lymphatic system.

The warning signs of Lymphoma include.

    Painless swelling of lymph nodes in your neck, armpits or groin.
    Persistent fatigue.
    Night sweats.
    Shortness of breath.
    Unexplained weight loss.
    Itchy skin.

Death by lymphoma is most often painless and comfortable although if a person does experience some pain they can be given medication to relieve the pain during death from lymphoma.

The most fatal lymphoma is Burkitt Lymphoma is which also considered to be the most aggressive form of lymphoma and is also one of the fastest growing cancers.

The lymphoma that is not curable is mantle cell lymphoma which develops in the outer edge or mantle zones of affected growth centers in the lymph glands.

Mantle cell lymphoma is not very common and not curable.

The new treatment for lymphoma is Monoclonal antibodies which is a targeted therapy that uses laboratory made proteins to treat non Hodgkin lymphoma.

The antibodies attach to a target on the cancer cells and either kill them or block the growth or stop the cancer cells from spreading.

The breakthrough of lymphoma treatment is treatment of lymphoma with a checkpoint inhibitor which in some cases can entirely eliminate lymphoma or at least reduce the tumor size significantly.

The most curable lymphoma is Hodgkin's lymphoma which most often starts in the lymph nodes in the neck, chest or under the arms.

The Hodgkin's lymphoma then moves from one lymph node to another lymph node which makes it easier to find, treat and trace.

Hodgkin's lymphoma is one of the most curable forms of cancers.

The most difficult lymphoma to treat is Blastic NK cell lymphoma which is a very rare type of T cell lymphoma which only affects a few people a year.

The blastic NK cell lymphoma usually grows very quickly and can become difficult to treat and it can also start anywhere in the body.

The final stages of Hodgkin's lymphoma is stage 4 Hodgkin Lymphoma which is the most advanced stage and means that the Hodgkin's lymphoma has spread to at least one organ that is outside of the lymphatic system such as the bone marrow, lungs or liver.

There is a cure for Stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma as some people have been cured from Stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma with chemotherapy or radiation.

You can cure Hodgkin's Lymphoma even at stage 4 as long as you stick to your treatments it can in most cases be cured.

There have been people who have had stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma and have beat the cancer.

The best hospital for non Hodgkin's Lymphoma is Mayo Clinic.

The doctors at Mayo Clinic are widely respected for their expertise in treating and diagnosing people with all kinds of non Hodgkin's lymphoma which also includes the rare and aggressive forms of non Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

The overall 5-year survival rate for people with NHL is 73%. For stage I NHL, the 5-year survival rate is more than 83%.

For stage II the 5-year survival rate is close to 76% and for stage III it is more than 70%.

For stage IV NHL, the 5-year survival rate is around 63%.

Most people with indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma will live 20 years after diagnosis.

Faster-growing cancers (aggressive lymphomas) have a worse prognosis.

They fall into the overall five-year survival rate of 60%

Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma is pretty serious and if not treated it can be deadly.

Non Hodgkin Lymphoma is pretty dangerous and can be deadly if not treated.

However some people can be cured of the non Hodgkin Lymphoma and live a long normal life but sadly some people die of the non Hodgkin Lymphoma even with treatment.

Considering everyone with non-Hodgkin lymphoma—all people with all types of this cancer—the overall five-year survival rate is 69%.

That means about 7 of 10 people are still living five years after diagnosis.

The overall 10-year survival rate is about 60%.

The reason Hodgkin's lymphoma is called Hodgkin's lymphoma is because it's named after Thomas Hodgkin who first described abnormalities in the lymphatic system in 1832.

Hodgkin's lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system that affects the B-lymphocytes, causing them to accumulate in the lymph nodes.

What are the differences between Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma?

The primary difference between these two categories of lymphatic cancer is the type of lymphocyte that is affected.

Hodgkin lymphoma is marked by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells, which a physician can identify using a microscope.

In non-Hodgkin lymphoma, these cells are not present.

Hodgkin lymphoma is caused by a change (mutation) in the DNA of a type of white blood cell called B lymphocytes, although the exact reason why this happens isn't known.

The DNA gives the cells a basic set of instructions, such as when to grow and reproduce.

The warning signs of Lymphoma include.

    Painless swelling of lymph nodes in your neck, armpits or groin.
    Persistent fatigue.
    Night sweats.
    Shortness of breath.
    Unexplained weight loss.
    Itchy skin.

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