RockAuto repeat customers do get discounts through the RockAuto discount program for repeat customers.
To get discounts at RockAuto you have to be a repeat RockAuto customer and also qualify for the RockAuto loyalty program in which you will get a discount code by email approximately 1 month after you place each order.
Rockauto parts are new as they don't sell used parts but RockAuto does sell remanufactured parts which are technically used parts but are remanufactured to new condition.
RockAuto Parts are new although they also sell remanufactured auto parts as well.
If the auto part is remanufactured then it will list it as being remanufactured in the parts description when you look at it to buy.
RockAuto sells and ships OEM as well as Aftermarket auto parts.
Aftermarket parts come from places such as China, Taiwan, Mexico, India etc.
Most aftermarket parts are made in other countries other than the USA although I've had a few aftermarket parts that were made in the USA.
Aftermarket parts are replacement parts that are not made by the original equipment manufacturer.
Aftermarket parts are used to replace damaged parts in automobiles and other equipment, but their use may alter the coverage of an insured item.
OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer, which means the parts are made by the same company that makes the vehicle.
Meanwhile, aftermarket parts are produced by a different parts company and are often designed to be compatible with as many makes and/or models as possible.
High-quality aftermarket parts are as good as OEM parts, or in some cases, can perform better.
You really do get what you pay for, and the higher the cost, the better the build or materials.
There are hundreds of manufacturers to choose from, so be sure to ask your mechanic about your options.
The use of OEM car parts has little to no effect on the value of your vehicle.
Certain aftermarket upgrades, however, can have an effect.
Adding custom alloy wheels to the vehicle, for example, can not only add to the appearance of the car but add value as well.
Because OEM parts are made by a specific manufacturer to align with a vehicle's exact specifications, they fit perfectly into that space.
They are more expensive than aftermarket parts as a result.
You have the right to request your insurance company use original equipment manufactured parts rather than aftermarket parts to repair your vehicle.
If the insurance company deems these costs unreasonable, however, it might deny your claim.