What is the best online dating website, app, or other platform and why?

+1 vote
asked Oct 11, 2018 in Family by costy (6,470 points)

What is the best online dating website, app, or other platform and why?

6 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 11, 2018 by fraddy (6,000 points)

Depends on what you mean reliable. In terms of reliably getting you on a date, you should consider what kind of things are important to you in a person. Your showstoppers. Religion and lifestyle are usually key showstoppers. That may determine whether or not you consider a niche. Assuming a large generic is of interest, I’d recommend using Match, eHarmony and POF. You can’t go wrong with those really. Now in terms of the way you use them effectively…that’s a whole new conversation. Load some current photos on Hotornot and see which scores the best, and use your best ones on your profile. Be specific in your profile…not wishy washy. Don’t talk about ex’es and keep it positive, and that should improve your chances.

0 votes
answered Oct 14, 2018 by kesteer (4,670 points)
edited Oct 16, 2018 by kesteer

As for me, I prefer some services like https://listcrawler.com for meeting girls, and I think you will understand why if you take a look there ;) Good luck with it, guys. Hope you will find it interesting to you ;)

0 votes
answered Nov 20, 2018 by noah015 (2,500 points)

I have long dreamed to meet find a Russian girl https://datingtomarriage.com/index.php/video and I did it. It is interesting to communicate with a person from another culture and listen to his opinion. I like this site, do not need to be in a large number of people. I can safely enjoy communicating with a person.

0 votes
answered Dec 5, 2018 by fraddy (6,000 points)
I met my soulmate on Plenty of Fish. I think if you know what you're looking for and won't compromise, you can. However, I wouldn't necessarily expect to find a lifelong partner on Tinder, for example. Research the sites, ask what people think of them. Look for ones, like Match and eHarmony, that have a reputation for forming real relationships.

Also keep in mind that while you can find a good match on a free site (I didn't pay and found the man of my dreams) , you may find better quality if you both have to pay for the site. A financial investment tends to make people more serious and clear on what they want, and less likely to play games because they don't want to waste their money.

Be honest as well. If you're looking for commitment, say so. Don't pretend to be open to things that aren't what you want. The right one for you won't be scared off by knowing what you really want — after all, if they're right for you, they want the same thing you do.
0 votes
answered Dec 5, 2018 by fraddy (6,000 points)

Dating apps have a bad rap: They are often associated more closely with promoting casual hookups than actually connecting two gentle souls for an actual, head-over-heels, yes-yes-yes relationship. There are, however, some dating apps that are good for relationships, and though they are somewhat few and far between, they're out there. But most of all I prefer Heyyy! It is a smooth and convenient dating app for IOS platform. App displays possible matches according to the set filters. The user can tap on a heart to like a person, or X to skip and view other profiles. Just give it a try https://idapgroup.com/hey/

0 votes
answered Dec 24, 2018 by Oxiggo (440 points)

On one dating site http://realdating.info I met a good girl from another country, at first we were friends, and after a long conversation she moved in with me to live;)

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