What are the side effects of cranberry juice?

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asked Apr 12, 2024 in Other- Health by f9hjours (1,820 points)
What are the side effects of cranberry juice?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 4 by 2021sucked (45,000 points)
The side effects of cranberry juice are upset stomach and diarrhea, blood sugar spikes and possible kidney stone formation when the cranberry juice is consumed in excess.

The best time of day to drink cranberry juice is in the morning, especially if you have acid reflux or bladder problems.

Drinking the cranberry juice in the morning instead of night can help you avoid any discomfort associated with the cranberry juice that could disrupt your sleep.

Cranberry juice can be consumed on an empty stomach or after eating.

However if you have any digestive issues or a sensitive stomach it is usually best to drink the cranberry juice after eating some food.

You should drink cranberry juice every few days or up to one 8 ounce glass of cranberry juice per day.

The limit on cranberry juice should be to only drink one glass of cranberry juice a day so that would be 7 glasses of cranberry juice a week.

Any more than that can increase risk of kidney stones and may cause stomach upset and diarrhea.

Cranberry juice is Good for high blood pressure as cranberry juice and cranberries contain compounds that have been shown to lower high blood pressure.

Drinking cranberry juice and eating cranberries can help you manage your blood pressure and lower it when it gets too high.

Medications that cranberry juice interacts with are Warfarin, aspirin as well as other medications that are broken down by the liver and tizanidine, midazolam, cefalcor, amoxicillin, diclofenac, flurbiprofen, cyclosporine and blood thinners.

Side effects of drinking too much cranberry juice are blood sugar spikes, upset stomach, diarrhea and kidney stones.

Store bought cranberry juice is healthy but you should choose 100 % cranberry juice which doesn't contain added sugars and preservatives.

Cranberry juice including store bought cranberry juice is healthy and contains a good amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Cranberry juice can help promote immune health and collagen formation as a result of the Vitamin C and the antioxidants in cranberry juice can help reduce your risk of heart disease.

The compounds in cranberry juice can help prevent growth of bacteria that causes stomach ulcers and improve digestive health.

The difference between 100% cranberry juice and cranberry juice is that cranberry juice has added sugars and sweeteners.

100% cranberry juice is cranberry juice that has no added sugars or sweeteners.

100% cranberry juice is pure cranberry juice and contains only cranberries as the fruit source and is free of any added sugars or sweeteners.

100 % cranberry juice is often more tart than acidic and provides more nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants.

Other cranberry juices have added sugars and high fructose corn syrup to give the cranberry juice it's extra sweetness.

Cranberry juice is healthy but you want to drink 100 percent cranberry juice without any sweeteners or added sugars or fructose corn syrup.

Pure, unsweetened cranberry juice is best, a good source of vitamins C and E – both antioxidants.

Sweetened cranberry juice with added sugar and preservatives is less healthy.

Fresh cranberries are healthy and dried cranberries are moderately healthy.

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