Should you shower after wetting your pants?

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asked Apr 8, 2024 in Incontinence by Sarveshkumar (2,240 points)
Should you shower after wetting your pants?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 8, 2024 by Amberwell (17,670 points)
You should shower after wetting your pants.

When you wet your pants you get urine on your body which eventually will smell as it turns to ammonia and it can also cause you skin rashes as well.

If you can shower right after wetting your pants you should do so or at least wash off the urine to prevent skin rashes and you'll also smell.

My 5 year old son wet his pants before and didn't tell me and 3 hours later I smelled urine and he also got a rash.

I made him shower and clean up but didn't punish him for it.

Make sure you change your pants, underwear and shower to get rid of the bad smell of the urine.

As urine does smell eventually.

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