How long would it take you to fall 100 feet?

+1 vote
asked Oct 9, 2018 in Mathematics by wandright (320 points)
How long would it take you to fall 100 feet?

If a person were to fall 100 feet from above how long would it take that person to fall and reach the ground from 100 feet fall?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 10, 2018 by sagerave (640 points)
A person who was 100 feet above in the air would fall to the ground and reach the ground in just 2.5 seconds.

Yep you only have 2.5 seconds before hitting the ground once you fall from 100 feet and if you're not wearing a parachute to slow you down then you'll likely be killed when you hit the ground.

That is unless you're lucky.

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