Can cats be allergic to scented litter?

+1 vote
asked Oct 8, 2018 in Cats by toiasd (220 points)
Can cats be allergic to scented litter?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 9, 2018 by wandright (320 points)
Yes cats can be allergic to the scented cat litter.

If you have recently switched to scented cat litter but previously used non scented cat litter and your cat has now started experiencing watery eyes or respiratory issues such as coughing, wheezing or sneezing then your cat has likely been affected by the scented litter and is most likely allergic to it.

I would switch back to non scented cat litter and see if your cats symptoms improve.

Cats can also be allergic and be sensitive to dust in the air, mold, pollen and mildew.
0 votes
answered Oct 9, 2018 by liana (38,450 points)
Yes cats can have allergies to things just like humans can.

Some cats are indeed allergic to the scented cat litter and will have sneezing, water eyes and other wheezing or sneezing etc just like the other answer said.

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