How common are wet dreams for boys?

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asked Apr 5, 2024 in Kids Health by DMabel (1,740 points)
How common are wet dreams for boys?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 5, 2024 by farsrfun (5,200 points)
Wet dreams for boys are pretty common although not every teenage boy will have wet dreams but they are very normal and nothing to worry about or be embarrassed about.

Some boys or guys have wet dreams a few times a week and others have them a couple of times during their entire life.

Wet dreams begin between the ages of 13 years to 17 years of age.

The average age of wet dreams beginning is 14.5 years and boys voices also change at the same time the penis grows.

A wet dream is when a boy or guy releases sperm or cum also known as ejaculation while he is sleeping.

During the sleep and ejaculation semen or sperm will come out of the penis.

It's perfectly normal for boys and guys to have wet dreams and they cannot control it.

If your son thinks he's wet the bed but the fluid is sticky then it's a wet dream.

When the wet dream happens the child or person will wake up with a sticky, wet half dollar sized spot in his underwear, on his bed sheets or pajamas.

Not all boys will get wet dreams.

This is OK and it is important that your son knows what a dream is and what they should do if it happens.

This will help them to learn how to take care of their body.

Most often boys don't remember the wet dream and if they don't know what's going on they may think they've wet the bed.

Ejaculation typically starts when a person begins producing sperm around the age of puberty.

Puberty happens at different times for different people.

Generally, people start puberty between 10 and 12 years old.

This means a person may ejaculate for the first time within this age range.

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